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C J Dennis - The Also-RanC J Dennis - The Also-Ran
Work rating: Low

I know I`m dull.  I know I got a brain   That`s only fit fer fertilizin` `air. I don`t arst for bokays: I ain`t that vain;   But fair is fair. An` when yeh think yer somethin` uv a man, It `urts to find yerself a also-ran. `Urts like one thing.  To git sent to the pack   When you `ave `ad idears you`re ace an` king An` all the pitcher cards down to the jack   Is like to sting Yer vanity.  I thort I was some use, An` now I`m valyid as a `umble dooce. Don`t mind my sulks.  I s`pose I `as swelled `ead;   But gittin` snouted ain`t wot I expeck. Aw, they can `ave it on their own!  I`m full   Up to the neck! Never no more!  I chuck good works right `ere. . . But lets start frum the start an` git it clear. I own I used me nut.  Fer marriage brings   Experience to stop yeh actin` rash. I`ve missed the step before through rushin` things,   An` come a crash. I planned it out all careful frum the start; Me taticks was a reel fine work uv art. Me problem`s this: The noos `as to be broke   Concernin` Rose.  Doreen `as to he told. The `ow an` when that bit uv noos is spoke   I`ve learnt uv old. I`m shrood.  I wait. I watch me chance to act. The trick`s to know the time an` place exact. You blokes unmarrid ain`t got no idear   Uv `ow successful `usbands works their `eads. It`s like a feller strugglin` to keep clear   A thousand threads. Once let `em tangle, an` you take the blame. You`re up to putty; an` yeh`ve lost the game. I picks a nice, calm, cozy, peaceful night.   The suppper things is washed; the kid`s in bed (I `elped to wipe the plates) the fire burns bright;   An` then I led The tork around to tales uv Ginger Mick, Cunnin` an` crafty like, an` not too quick. "Funny," I sez, "that we should mention Mick.   In town I met that girl - (Wot`s `er name?  Rose) By accident.  Poor thing looks orful sick. . . .   Well, I suppose She `as `er worries. . . . Lost `er job, yeh know." Doreen don`t take much int`rest.  She sez, "Oh?" "Yes," I goes on; "a bit uv country air   Is wot she needs.  She`s very sick - an` low. She seemed - well - sort uv - `opeless with.... despair."   Doreen sez, "Oh?" It`s `eavy goin`; but I sticks it, grim. Poor Mick!" I sez.  "I often think uv `im. "Poor Mick!" I sez. (Well, any`ow, I mean   Them words) "If you `ad seen that girl, my dear, You`d arst `er up to stay." "Why," sez Doreen,   "She`s comin` `ere On Choosday next." (I jist choke back a shout) "That`s why I got the spare room tidied out." "She`s wot?" . . . I can`t say more.  "Well," sez me wife,   "Seein` you arst `er, why all this su`prise?" Seein` you `ad a fight, an` risked yer life,   An` got black eyes, An` played the `ero, as the parson says, You ort to know.  I`ve knowed," she sez, "fer days." Snowy!  To think that parson cove would go   An` let me down to flounder in the mud, An` scheme, an` lie, an` work the game reel low,   To come a thud! "Yeh mean to say," I arsts, mad as can be, "Yeh`ve fixed all this without consultin` me? "Yeh mean to say I `ave n`t got the right   To know wot`s goin` on in my own `ouse? Yeh mean to say -- "There, Bill," she sez, "keep quite.   Why should you rouse? You told me nothin`.  Parson wrote to me; An` we fixed things without yer `elp," sez she. Women!  She sits an` tells me this dead cold!   To think I`ve worked an` worried till I`m tired, An` squeezed me brain a treat, jist to be told     i ain`t required! "You was too modest, Bill, to let me `ear About that fight," she sez.  "Now, were n`t you, dear?" Modest?  Aw, well. I s`pose I am -- a bit.   A feller can`t go skitin` all `is days. But, spite uv `er nice way uv takin` it,   An` all `er praise An` that, I got to own I`m feelin` `urt Fer to git treated like a bit uv dirt. Nex` mornin` I ain`t feelin` none too good:   That snub still `urt. I potter round about; Then go across to where `e`s choppin` wood   To `ave it out With Wally Free about `is thievin` cow. But that pie-faced galoot won`t `ave a row. I`ll `ave the lor on `im, I tells ` im straight.   Me fence `er out?  `E`s got to fence `er in! The lor sez that.  But all the lors I state   Jist gits a grin. That`s all.  `E grins a sight too much, that bloke. Clean through the piece, I seem to be the joke. I know I`m dull. I know me brain`s jist meant   To nourish `air-roots.  But I `ave me pride. An` when I toils an` frets, an` then gits sent   To stand aside, I know me place: I don`t need to be shown. I`m done!  An` they can `ave it on their own.

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