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C J Dennis - Jim`s GirlC J Dennis - Jim`s Girl
Work rating: Low

"`Oo is that girl," sez Digger Smith, That never seems to bother with   No blokes: the bint with curly `air?   I`ve often seen `er over there Talkin` to Missus Flood, an` she Seems like a reel ripe peach to me. "Not that I`m askin`" ... `Ere `is eyes Goes sort uv swiv`ly, an` `e sighs.   "Not that I`m askin` with idears   Uv love an` marridge; `ave no fears. I`ve chucked the matrimony plan," `E sez. "I`m only `arf a man." This Digger Smith `as fairly got Me rampin` with `is "`arf a man" rot.   `E `as a timber leg, it`s true;   But `e can do the work uv two. Besides, the things `e`s done Out There Makes `im one man an` some to spare. I knoo `is question was jist kid. `E`d met this girl; I know `e did.   `E knoo Jim Flood an` `er was booked   For double when the `Un was cooked. But, seein` `er, it used to start `Im thinkin` of another tart. "Oh, `er?" sez I. "She is a pearl. I`ve `eard she used to be Jim`s girl;   But she was jist a child when Jim   Got out. She `as forgotten `im." I knows jist wot is in `is mind, An` sez, "Wade in, if you`re inclined." `E give me such a narsty look I thought `e meant to answer crook;   But, "I ain`t out for jokes," sez `e   "Yeh needn`t sling that stuff to me. I only was jist thinkin` -- p`r`aps... There`s some," `e sez, "that sticks to chaps. "Some girls," sez `e, "keeps true to chaps, An` wed `em when they`ve done with scraps,   An` come `ome whole. Yeh don`t ixpec`   No tart to tie up with a wreck? Besides," `e sez ... "Well, any`ow, That girl`s all right; I know it now. "I know," sez Smith. "I got it right. Jim used to talk to me at night   About a little girl `e tracked.   `Er name is Flo. Ain`t that a fact? That`s `er. I know she writes to `im Each mail. She ain`t forgotten Jim. "I`d like to swap my luck for Jim`s If `e comes `ome with all `is limbs.   An` if `e don`t -- well, I dunno.   I`ve taken notice uv this Flo, An` wonder if" -- `e stares at me -- "If there is more like `er" sez `e. Now, Digger Smith as learned a lot Out fightin` there, but `e ain`t got   The cunnin` for to `ide `is `eart.   `E`s  too damn honest, for a start; `Is mind`s dead simple to a friend. I`ve read `im through from end to end. I`ve learned from things `e `asn`t said Jist wot`s been running in `is `ead.   I know there is a girl, somewhere:   Some one `oo `ad the `eart to care For `im when `e went to the war. I know all that, an` somethin` more. I know that since `e came back `ere `E `asn`t seen that girl for fear   She`d turn `im down -- give `im the bird,   An` `and `im out the frozen word, Because `e`s left a leg in France; An` `e`s afraid to take the chance. Well, not afraid, p`r`aps, but -- shook. It`s jist the form `is nerves `ave took.   Now `e`s been watchin` Flo an` seen   `Er style, an` `ow she`s always keen For news uv Jim. Then `e starts out To `ope, an` `esitate, an` doubt. `E wonders if `is own girl spoke Jist this same way about `er bloke.   `E wonders if in `is girl`s eyes   That same look came; an` then `e sighs, An` dulls `is senses with that dope That `arf a man ain`t got no `ope. `E makes me tired. But, all the same, I tries to work a little game.   "Look `ere," I sez. "About this Flo.   Jim mightn`t come back `ome, yeh know. You `ave a fly; yeh`re sure to score; Besides, all`s fair in love an`war." "Sling that!" `e sez; but I goes on: "Ole Jim won`t blame yeh when she`s gone.   `E knows, the same as me an` you,   These silly tarts, they can`t keep true." I piles it on, until I`ve got `Im where I want `im -- jumpin` `ot. An` then `e says, "`Ere, sling that talk! I might be groggy in me walk;   But if yeh say them things to me   I`m man enough to crack yeh; see?" "Righto," sez I. "That was me plan. Now wot about this `arf a man?" `E stares at me, an` then sez, slow, "Wot is yer game? Wot do yeh know?"   "Nothin`," I tells `im, "only this:   When there`s a waitin` tart to kiss Yeh`re only `arf a man; but when There`s blokes to fight, yeh`re twenty men." "Wot tart?" `e asks. "Yeh mean this Flo?" "P`r`aps not," I sez. "You ought to know."...   I waits an` lets me words sink in.   An` then- `e beats me with that grin. "Match-makin`, Bill?" `e laughs. "Oh, `Ell! You take up knittin` for a spell."

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