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C J Dennis - Dummy BridgeC J Dennis - Dummy Bridge
Work rating: Low

"If I`d `a` played me Jack on that there Ten"   Sez Peter Begg, "I might `a` made the lot." "`Ow could yeh?" barks ole Poole. "`Ow could yeh, when   I `ad me Queen be`ind?" Sez Begg, "Wot rot! I slung away me King to take that trick. Which one! Say, ain`t yer `ead a trifle thick?" "Now, don`t yeh see that when I plays me King   I give yer Queen a chance, an` lost the slam." But Poole, `e sez `e don`t see no such thing,   So Begg gits `ot, an` starts to loose a "Damn." `E twigs the missus jist in time to check, An` makes it "Dash," an` gits red down `is neck. There`s me an` Peter Begg, an` ole man Poole -   Neighbours uv mine, that farm a bit close by - Jist once a week or so we makes a school,   An` gives this game uv Dummy Bridge a fly. Doreen, she `as her sewing be the fire, The kid`s in bed; an` `ere`s me `eart`s desire. `Ome-comfort, peace, the picter uv me wife   `Appy at work, me neighbours gathered round All friendly-like -- wot more is there in life?   I`ve searched a bit, but better I ain`t found. Doreen, she seems content, but in `er eye I`ve seen reel pity when the talk gits `igh. This ev`nin` we `ad started off reel `ot:   Two little slams, an` Poole, without a score, Still lookin` sore about the cards `e`d got --   When, sudden-like, a knock comes to the door. "A visitor," growls Begg, "to crool our game." An` looks at me, as though I was to blame. Jist as Doreen goes out, I seen `er grin.   "Deal `em up quick!" I whispers. "Grab yer `and, An` look reel occupied when they comes in.   Per`aps they`ll `ave the sense to understand. If it`s a man, maybe `e`ll make a four; But if" -- Then Missus Flood comes in the door. `Twas ole Mar Flood, `er face wrapped in a smile.   "Now, boys," she sez, "don`t let me spoil yer game. I`ll jist chat with Doreen a little while;   But if yeh stop I`ll be ashamed I came." An` then she waves a letter in `er `and. Sez she, "Our Jim`s a soldier! Ain`t it grand?" "Good boy," sez Poole. "Let`s see. I make it `earts."   "Doubled!" shouts Begg..."An` `e`s been in a fight," Sez Missus Flood, "out in them furrin` parts.   French, I suppose. I can`t pronounce it right. `E`s been once wounded, somewhere in the leg..." "`Ere, Bill! Yeh gone to sleep?" asks Peter Begg. I plays me Queen uv Spades, an` plays `er bad.   Begg snorts...."My boy," sighs Missus Flood. "My Jim."... "King `ere," laughs Poole. "That`s the last Spade I `ad."...   Doreen she smiles: "I`m glad yeh`ve `eard from `im."... "We`re done," groans Begg. "Why did yeh nurse yer Ace?"... "My Jim!" An` there was sunlight in `er face. "I always thought a lot of Jim, I did,"   Sez Begg. "`E does yeh credit. `Ere, your deal." "That`s so," sez Poole. "`E was an all-right kid.   No trumps? I`m sorry that`s the way yeh feel. `Twill take yeh all yer time to make the book."... An` then Doreen sends me the wireless look. I gets the S.O.S.; but Begg is keen.   "My deal," `e yaps. "Wot rotten cards I get." Ole Missus Flood sits closer to Doreen.   "The best," she whispers, "I ain`t told yeh yet." I strains me ears, an` leads me King uv Trumps. "Ace `ere!" grins Begg. Poole throws `is Queen -- an` thumps. "That saves me Jack!" `owls Begg. "Tough luck ole sport."...   Sez Missus Flood, "Jim`s won a medal, too For doin` somethin` brave at Bullycourt."...   "Play on, play on," growls Begg. "It`s up to you." Then I reneges, an` trumps me partner`s Ace, An` Poole gets sudden murder in `is face. "I`m sick of this `ere game," `e grunts. "It`s tame."   "Righto," I chips. "Suppose we toss it in?" Begg don`t say nothin`; so we sling the game.   On my wife`s face I twigs a tiny grin. "Finished?" sez she, su`prised. "Well, p`r`aps it`s right. It looks to me like `earts was trumps tonight." An` so they was. An`, say, the game was grand.   Two hours we sat while that ole mother told About `er Jim, `is letter in `er `and,   An`, on `er face, a glowing look that rolled The miles all up that lie `twixt France an` `ere, An` found `er son, an` brought `im very near. A game uv Bridge it was, with `earts for trumps.   We was the dummies, sittin` silent there. I knoo the men, like me, was feelin` chumps:   Foolin` with cards while this was in the air. It took Doreen to shove us in our place; An` mother `eld the lot, right from the Ace. She told us `ow `e said `e`d writ before,   An` `ow the letters must `ave gone astray; An` `ow the stern ole father still was sore,   But looked like `e`d be soft`nin`, day by day; `Ow pride in Jim peeps out be`ind `is frown, An` `ow the ole fool `opes to `ide it down. "I knoo," she sez. "I never doubted Jim.   But wot could any mother say or do When pryin` folks asked wot become uv `im,   But drop `er eyes an` say she never knoo. Now I can lift me `ead to that sly glance, An` say, `Jim`s fightin`, with the rest, in France.`" An` when she`s gone, us four we don`t require   No gossipin` to keep us in imploy. Ole Poole sits starin` `ard into the fire.   I guessed that `e was thinkin` uv `is boy, `Oo`s been right in it from the very start; An` Poole was thinkin` uv a father`s part. An` then `e speaks: "This war `as turned us `ard.   Suppose, four year ago, yeh said to me That I`d sit `eedless, starin` at a card   While that ole mother -- Good Lord!" sez `e "It takes the women for to put us wise To playin` games in war-time," `an `e sighs. An` `ere Doreen sets out to put `im right.   "There`s games an` games," she sez. "When women starts A hand at Bridge like she `as played tonight   It`s Nature teachin` `em to make it `earts. The other suits are yours," she sez; "but then, That`s as it should be, seein` you are men." "Maybe," sez Poole; an` both gits up to go.   I stands beside the door when they are gone, Watching their lanterns swingin` to an` fro,   An` `ears Begg`s voice as they goes trudgin` on: "If you `ad led that Queen we might `ave made..." "Rubbidge!" shouts Poole. "You mucked it with yer Spade!"

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