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C J Dennis - Vi`litsC J Dennis - Vi`lits
Work rating: Low

I wus pickin` gipsy vi`lits fer to try an` square Doreen. We `ad words . . about pianners - fer she wants one awful keen -   `Igh words, about `igh-toned idears - an`, like a love-sick fool,   `Ere I`m pickin` gipsy vl`llts when the kid come `ome frum school. `E started school a month ago, an` ain`t got very far; But, judgin` be the scraps `e `as, `e`s takin` after Par. I tips there`s somethin` wrong, the way `e sneaks around the `ouse. An` then I seen `is eye. Oh, strike! `E `ad a bonzer mouse!-   A reel black-eye, that, in me day, I would `a` worn wiv pride.     But I`m a father now, an` sez, "`Ere, son, you git inside An` show yer mother that there eye.  `Ow did it come about?" Sez `e, "A big bloke gimme that.  I knocked the beggar out!" I looks fer `arf a second at the fambily disgrace, Then I picks another vi`lit so `e couldn`t see me face.   I wus grinnin` most unfatherlike, an` feelin` good inside.   "You show yer Mar that eye uv yours.  I`m `shamed uv you!" I lied. I watch `im creep inside the `ouse, an` `ear `is mother`s yell. An` then I straightens up me face an` goes inside as well. `Twus raw beef-steak an` vinegar, an` tears, before she`s done. An` the sort uv look she gimme sez, "Yeh see `ow `e`s begun!"   I don`t disturb the rites excep` to give some kind advice.   In younger days I`ve caught black-eyes, an` give `em once or twice. "That big boy should be punished," sez Doreen, "`oo `it our Bill." I pats the `ero`s bandages, an` answers `er, "`E will." That ev`nin`, down be`ind the shed, near where the scrub grows dense, I gives young Bill a lesson in the art uv self-defence.   I teaches `im an uppercut that Ginger Mick tort me   In ole days, down in Spadger`s Lane. I gits down on me knee To show `im `ow to time `is `it. `E sneaks beneath me guard Quite sudden, while I`m yappin`, an` `e cracks me one reel `ard. Did it please me?  Wot do you think?  Strike!  That kid `as got the knack! An` it pleased me all to pieces `ow the ole game all came back:   Left-swings an` jolts an` short-arm jabs - the `ole dash box uv tricks,   Sich as we used down in the Lane when we wus short uv bricks. I`m showin` `im a fancy `it, a reel ole ding-dong clout, When the murderin` young savage tries to knock me front teeth out! Uv course, `e `urt `is little `and, an` fetches out a yell That brings Doreen down double quick.  An` then - it wus merry `ell.   She grabs the kid up in `er arms, an` gives me sich a look   As I ain`t seen since years ago, when I done - somethin` crook. "You`ll `ave `im like you wus!" she cries.  "I`d sooner see `im dead! You want to make`im . . . " "Don`t," I sez. "We`ll take the rest as said." It `urt to see `er shieldin` `im as tho` I wus a plague. An` ain`t `e mine as much as `ers Yet, I seen, sort o` vague,   The woman`s way she looked at it, the picters that she `ad   Uv young Bill goin` to the pack, an` follerin` `is dad. I tries me `ardest to ixplain, an` made some fool ixcuse; But I`m marri`d to a woman, an` - Aw, wot`s the flamin` use ? I tells `er if we`d `ave young Bill keep up `is end at school `E will `ave to use `is flippers; but I sez it like a fool.   I sez it like I wus ashamed to `ave `im learn to fight,   When all the time, down in me `cart, I knoo that I wus right. She just gives me another look, an` goes in wiv the kid. An` me? I picks them vi`lits up, not knowin` wot I did. I `as them fool things in me `and when I lobs in the `ouse, An` makes bets wiv meself about the chances that she`ll rouse.   But `er, she comes the calm an` cold.  Think`s I, "`Ere`s where I fall   Fer a forty-quid pianner, if I want to square it all, Goo`-bye to forty lovely quid - time-paymint, fifty-three - Then all at once she smiles an` sez, "Did you pick those fer me?" "Did you pick those fer me," she sez. "Oh, Bill!" `an then, "Oh, Bill!" I `ints I `ad idears to leave `em to `er in me will.   She grabs them dilly vi`lits, an` she `olds `em to `er nose.   "Oh, Bill!" she smiles, "You alwus knoo `ow fond I wus uv those! Oh, Bill!  You dear!" She `ugs me then, jist in the same ole way. `Struth! I`m marri`d to a woman, an` . . I`ll learn young Bill some day!

The script ran 0.002 seconds.