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C J Dennis - Logic and Spotted DogC J Dennis - Logic and Spotted Dog
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"Unless you `ide that axe," she sez, "`E`ll `urt `imself reel bad. An` after all - Now, Bill, don`t cry! - that trouble that I`ve `ad,     Wiv `im thro` croop an` whoopin` corf, `e goes an` cuts `imself!     Why don`t you `ang it on the wall, or `ide it on a shelf? But there it wus, jist thrown about.  You ort to take more care!                               You left it there! "You left it there," she sez, "an` now . . ."  I sez, "`Old on a jiff. Let`s git the fac`s all sorted out before we `as a tiff     I`m mighty careful wiv that axe, an` never leaves it out.     An` I`d be mad if that young imp got knockin` it about." "Ole axe!" she sez.  Look at `is thumb!  A precious lot you care!                               You left it there!" I am marri`d to a woman; which is nacheral an` right. I sez that over to meself, fer safety, day an` night.     Most times I sez it fond an` proud wiv gladness in me mind;     But sometimes philosophic-like an` wot yeh`d call resigned. "An axe as sharp as that," she sez.  "It reely isn`t fair!                               You left it there! "The way you pet that axe," she sez - "the way it`s ground an` filed, The way you fairly fondle it, you`d think it wus a child!     An` when I pick the ole thing up to cut a bit uv string     Yeh rave an` shout ..." "Wait on," I sez.  "But ir`n`s a different thing. An` you wus choppin` fencin` wire!"  She sez, "Well, I don`t care.                                                              You left it there!" I `elps meself to spotted dog, an` chews, an` thinks a while. "I`m reely sorry," I begins.  Then, as I seen `er smile,     I plays `er fer the fun uv it, an` sez, "But, all the same,     If he gits foolin` wiv that axe `e`s got `imself to blame." `Er eyes spark up.  "A child like that!  Now, Bill, it isn`t fair!                               You left it there!" I cuts another slice an` sez, "This spotted dog`s a treat. Uv course, `ooever left it there," I sez, "wus - indiscreet."     "Careless!" she sez.  "You know you are! `E might `a` cut `is face!     An axe as sharp as that," she sez, "should be kep` in its place." "Quite right," I sez.  "An` not," she sez, "jist thrown round anywhere.                               You left it there!" An` then I lets `er `ave it, an` I sez, "Now, think a bit. I put that axe away last night when all the wood wus split."     "Well, that`s enough about it now," she sez.  I seen `er wince,     An` sez, "I put that axe away, an` `aven`t used it since; But someone else wus usin` it this mornin`, I kin swear,                               An` left it there." "Well, never mind . . . Poor Bill!" she sez.  "Was `is poor thumb all `urt?" (Oh, it`s entertainin` sometimes fer to argue wiv a skirt.)     "There`s someone else," I sez, an` grins, an` kids I`m doin` fine,     "Wus usin` it this mornin` fer to cut a bit uv pine. So now," I sez, "apolergise!  I`ve beat you fair an` square!                               You left it there!" Fer `arf a mo she pets young Bill, an` would`nt meet me eye. Thinkin` she wus - I knew she wus.  An` then she lets it fly:     "If you `ad cut that wood," she sez, "an` I implored you to,     There wouldn`t be no need fer me to `ave sich things to do! It ain`t right fer a woman . . ."  "`Ere!" I sez.  "Now, I don`t care                               `Oo left it there!" "Uv course you don`t!" she gits me back.  "You never care a bit! An` it ain`t right fer a woman to `ave kin`lin` wood to split;     While there`s a man about the `ouse!"  I sees the tears is near,     An` pats `er `air.  "Now, let it drop," I sez.  "Don`t worry, dear." "`Ow can I let it drop?" she sobs.  "You said you didn`t care                               `Oo left it there" "I do!" I yells.  "I mean - I don`t - I . . ."  Oh, Gaw spare me days! When you argue wiv a woman she `as got you either ways!     You `ave to do it in the end; an` so I licks the dirt,     An` sez, "Dear, I apolergise.  I`m - sorry - if I `urt." Yes, I`m marri`d to a woman.  An` she smiles, an` strokes me `air,                               An - leaves it there.

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