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C J Dennis - DadC J Dennis - Dad
Work rating: Low

I`ve knowed ole Flood this last five year or more; I knoo `im when `is Syd went to the war.   A proud ole man `e was. But I`ve watched `im,   An` seen `is look when people spoke uv Jim: As sour a look as most coves want to see. It made me glad that this `ere Jim weren`t me. I sized up Flood the first day that we met -- Stubborn as blazes when `is mind is set,   Ole-fashioned in `is looks an` in `is ways,   Believin` it is honesty that pays; An` still dead set, in spite uv bumps `e`s got, To keep on honest if it pays or not. Poor ole Dad Flood, `e is too old to fight By close on thirty year; but if I`m right   About `is doin`s an` about `is grit,   `E`s done a fair bit over `is fair bit. They are too old to fight, but, all the same, `Is kind`s quite young enough to play the game. I`ve `eard it called, this war - an` it`s the truth -- I`ve `eard it called the sacrifice uv youth.   An` all this land `as reckernized it too,   An` gives the boys the praises that is doo. I`ve `eard the cheers for ev`ry fightin` lad; But, up to now, I ain`t `eard none for Dad. Ole Flood, an` all `is kind throughout the land, They aint` been `eralded with no brass band,   Or been much thought about; but, take my tip,   The war `as found them with a stiffened lip. `Umpin` a load they thought they`d dropped for good, Crackin` reel `ardy, an` -- jist sawin` wood. Dad Flood, `is back is bent, `is strength is gone; `E`d done `is bit before this war come on.   At sixty-five `e thought `is work was done;   `E gave the farmin` over to `is son, An` jist sat back in peace, with `is ole wife, To spend content the ev`nin` of `is life. Then comes the war. An` when Syd `esitates Between the ole folk an` `is fightin` mates,   The ole man goes outside an` grabs a hoe.   Sez `e, "Yeh want to, an` yeh ought to go. Wot`s stoppin` yeh?" `E straightens `is ole frame. "Ain`t I farmed long enough to know the game?" There weren`t no more to say. An` Syd went -- West: Into the sunset with ole Aussie`s best.   But no one ever `eard no groans from Dad.   Though all `is pride an` `ope was in that lad `E showed no sign excep` to grow more grim. `Is son was gone - an` it was up to `im. One day last month when I was down at Flood`s I see `im strugglin` with a bag uv spuds.   "Look `ere," I sez, "you let me spell yeh, Dad.   You `umpin` loads like that`s a bit too bad." `E gives a grunt that`s more than `alf a groan. "Wot`s up?" `e snaps. "Got no work uv yer own?" That`s `im. But I`ve been tippin` that the pace Would tell; an` when `is wife comes to our place,   An` sez that Dad `is ill an` took to bed,   Flat out with work - though that ain`t wot she said -- I ain`t surprised; an` tells `er when I`m thro` I`ll come across an` see wot I can do. I went across, an` -- I come back again. Strike me! it`s no use reas`nin` with some men.   Stubbon ole cows! I`m sick uv them ole fools.   The way `e yells, "Keep yer `ands off my tools!" Yeh`d think I was a thief. `Is missus said I`d better slope, or `e`d be out uv bed. `E `eard us talkin` through the open door, "Oo`s that?" he croaks, although `e tries to roar.   An` when `is wife explains it`s only me   To `elp a bit: "I want no charity!" `E barks. "I`ll do me work meself, yeh `ear?" An` then `e gits so snarky that I clear. But `e`ll do me. I like the ole boy`s nerve. We don`t do nothin` that `e don`t deserve;   But me an` Peter Begg an` ole man Poole,   We fairly `as our work cut out to fool The sly ole fox, when we sneaks down each day An` works a while to keep things under way. We digs a bit, an` ploughs a bit, an` chops The wood, an` does the needful to `is crops.   We does it soft, an` when `e `ears a row   `Is missus tells `im it`s the dog or cow. `E sez that it`s queer noises for a pup. An` -- there`ll be ructions when ole Flood gits up. It ain`t all overwork that`s laid `im out. Ole Pride in `im is fightin` `ard with Doubt.   To-day `is wife sez, "Somethin`s strange in `im,   For in `is sleep sometimes `e calls for Jim. It`s six long years," she sez, an` stops to shake `Er `ead. "But `e don`t mention `im awake." Dad Flood. I thought `im jist a stiff-necked fool Before the war; but, as I sez to Poole,   This war `as tested more than fightin` men.   But, say, `e is an` `oly terror when Friends try to `elp `im earn a bite an` sup. Oh, there`ll be `Ell to pay when `e gits up!

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