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C J Dennis - A Digger`s TaleC J Dennis - A Digger`s Tale
Work rating: Low

"My oath!" the Duchess sez. "You`d not ixpect   Sich things as that. Yeh don`t mean kangaroos? Go hon!" she sez, or words to that effect --   (It`s `ard to imitate the speech they use) I tells `er, `Straight; I drives `em four-in-`and `Ome in my land.` "You `ear a lot," sez little Digger Smith,   "About `ow English swells is so stand-off. Don`t yeh believe it; it`s a silly myth.   I`ve been reel cobbers with the British toff While I`m on leaf; for Blighty likes our crowd, An` done us proud. "Us Aussies was the goods in London town   When I was there. If they jist twigged your `at The Dooks would ask yeh could yeh keep one down,   An` Earls would `ang out `Welcome` on the mat, An` sling yeh invites to their stately `alls For fancy balls. "This Duchess -- I ain`t quite sure uv `er rank;   She might `ave been a Peeress. I dunno. I meets `er `usband first. `E owns a bank,   I `eard, an` `arf a dozen mints or so. A dinkum toff. `E sez, `Come `ome with me An` `ave some tea.` "That`s `ow I met this Duchess Wot`s-`er-name --   Or Countess -- never mind `er moniker; I ain`t no `and at this `ere title game --   An` right away, I was reel pals with `er. `Now, tell me all about yer `ome,` sez she, An` smiles at me. "That knocks me out. I know it ain`t no good   Paintin` word-picters uv the things I done Out `ome `ere, barrackin` for Collin`wood,   Or puntin` on the flat at Flemin`ton. I know this Baroness uv Wot-yeh-call Wants somethin` tall. "I thinks reel `ard; an` then I lets it go.   I tell `er, out at Richmond, on me Run -- A little place uv ten square mile or so --   I`m breedin` boomerangs; which is reel fun, When I ain`t troubled by the wild Jonops That eats me crops. "I talks about the wondrous Boshter Bird   That builds `er nest up in the Cobber Tree, An` `atches out `er young on May the third,   Stric` to the minute, jist at `arf past three. `Er eyes get big. She sez, `Can it be true?` `Er eyes was blue. "An` then I speaks uv sport, an` tells `er `ow   In `untin` our wild Wowsers we imploy Large packs uv Barrackers, an` `ow their row   Wakes echoes in the forests uv Fitzroy, Where lurks the deadly Shicker Snake `oo`s breath Is certain death. "I`m goin` on to talk of kangaroos,   An` `ow I used to drive `em four-in-`and. `Wot?` sez the Marchioness. `Them things in zoos   That `ops about? I`ve seen then in the Strand In double `arness; but I ain`t seen four. Tell me some more.` I baulks a bit at that; an` she sez, `"Well,   There ain`t no cause at all for you to feel Modest about the things you `ave to tell;   An` wot you says wonderfully reel. Your talk" - an` `ere I seen `er eyelids flick -- "Makes me `omesick". "I reckerlect," she sez -- "Now let me see --   In Gippsland, long ago, when I was young, I `ad a little pet Corroboree,"   (I sits up in me chair like I was stung.) `On it`s `ind legs,` she sez, `it used to stand. Fed from me `and." "Uv cours, I threw me alley in right there.   This Princess was a dinkum Aussie girl. I can`t do nothin` else but sit an` stare,   Thinkin` so rapid that me `air roots curl. But `er? She sez, "I ain`t `eard talk so good Since my childhood. "`I wish," sez she, "I could be back again   Beneath the wattle an` that great blue sky. It`s like a breath uv `ome to meet you men.   You`ve done reel well," she sez. "Don`t you be shy. When yer in Blighty once again," sez she, "Come an` see me." "I don`t see `er no more; `cos I stopped one.   But, `fore I sails, I gits a billy doo Which sez, "Give my love to the dear ole Sun,   An` take an exile`s blessin` `ome with you. An` if you `ave some boomerangs to spare, Save me a pair. "`I`d like to see `em play about," she wrote,   "Out on me lawn, an` stroke their pretty fur. God bless yeh, boy." An` then she ends `er note,   "Yer dinkum cobber," an` `er moniker. A sport? You bet! She`s marri`d to an Earl -- An Aussie girl."

The script ran 0.002 seconds.