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C J Dennis - The Chase of AgesC J Dennis - The Chase of Ages
Work rating: Low

Light of my lives! Is the time not yet?   Lo, I`ve brooded on a star Through many a year, with the hope held dear   That, in some future far, I would know the joy of a love returned.   Are my lives lived vainly, all? Since that cosmic morn when life, now-born,   First moved on this mundane ball? Yea, I mind it yet, when first we met   On a tertiary rock, Flow the graceful charm of your rudiments   Imparted love`s first shock. But I was a mere organic cell   In that early eocene, While you were a prim, primordial germ,   And the mother of protogene. So I loved and died, and the ages sped   Till the time of my second birth; When I took my place in the cosmic race,   And again came down to earth. Once more we met.  Ah, love, not yet!   You were far above my state! For how could I raise my mollusc gaze   To a virtuous vertebrate? Again we died, and again we slept,   And again we came to be -- I as an anthropoidal ape,   And you as a chimpanzee. You as a charming chimpanzee,   With a high, patrician air; And I watched you waltz from tree to tree   As I slunk in my lowly lair. And yet again, in an age or so,   We met, and I mind the sob I sobbed when I found that I was what?   And you were a thingumbob. You had sold your tail for a kind of soul,   You had grown two thumbs beside; And I knew again that my love was vain,   So I went to the woods and died. As a humble homunculus, later on,   I crept to your cave at night, And howled long, love-lorn howls in vain   To my lady troglodyte. And I grew insane at your cold disdain,   And my howlings filled the place, Till your father sought me out one night,   And - again I yearned in space. Then, light of my lives!  Is the time not yet?   say, in what distant life -- In what dim age that is still to come   May I win and call you wife? Still high above!  My love, my love!   Nay, how can I raise my eyes To you, my star of the eocene,   My e`er elusive prize? Lo, Time speeds on, and the suns grow cold,   And the earth infirm and hoar, And, ages past, we are here at last --   Ay, both on the earth once more. But, alas, dear heart, as far apart   As e`er in this cosmic whirl; For I`m but a lowly writer-man   And you are a tea-room girl.

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