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C J Dennis - Dad on the TestC J Dennis - Dad on the Test
Work rating: Low

I reckon (said Dad) that the country`s pests Is this here wireless an` these here Tests. Up to the house and around the door, Stretchin` their ears for to catch the score, Leavin` the horses down in the crop. Can you wonder that a farmer goes off pop? I`m yellin` at Jim or I`m cursin` at Joe All hours of the day; but it ain`t no go - Leavin` their work and hangin` around When they think I`m down at the fallow ground; Sneaking away when I start to rouse, An` as soon as me back`s turned, back to the house. "Who got Wyatt?  Is Sutcliffe out?" Wot do they care if I rave an` shout? Bribin` young Bill for to leave his job To twiddle the switches an` twist the knob. "Has he made his century? Who`s in now?"… And I bought that machine for the price of a cow! There`s a standin` crop, an` the rain`s not far, An` the price is rotten, but there you are: As soon as these cricketin` games begin The farm goes dilly on listenin` in; Not only the boys an` the harvester crew, But Mum an` the girls gits dotty too. An` I reckon (says Dad) that a man`s worst pests Is this here wireless and these here Tests.

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