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C J Dennis - The Faltering KnightC J Dennis - The Faltering Knight
Work rating: Low

It knocks me can in, this ere game uv life,   A bloke gets born, grows up, looks round fer fun, Dreams dilly dreams, then wakes to find a wife   An` fambly round `im - all `is young days done. An`, gazin` back, sees in `is youth a man Scarce reckernised.  It fair knocks in me can! Ther`s me.  I never seemed to mark no change   As I mooched on through life frum year to year; An` yet, at times it seems to me dead strange   That me, uv old, is me, `oo`s sittin` `ere. Per`aps it ain`t.  `E was a crook young coot, While I`m a sturdy farmer, growin` froot. But, all the same, `e wouldn`t back an` fill,   An` argue with `imself, an` `esitate, Once `e `ad seen the way.  `E`d find the will   To go an` do the thing `e `ad to, straight. That`s `ow I was; an` now-Ar, strike a light! Life gits so mixed I can`t git nothin` right. But wot`s the use? A bloke `as got to own,   When once `e `as responsibility, Ther`s certin games is better left alone   Wot might be done if `e was only free. Ther`s certin things - Oh, wot`s the flamin` good? A `usband alwiz gits misun`erstood! It`s no use hintin`.  If yeh want it straight,   Me an` me wife ain`t seenin` eye to eye: All ain`t been peace an` `armony uv late,   An` clouds is comin` up in our clear sky. I ain`t to blame, an` yet, no more`s Doreen. It`s jist `ard Fate `as shoved `is oar between. All marrid blokes will understand me well.   I ain`t addressin` no remarks to those `0o`ve learnt but `arf uv life.  The things I tell   Is fer the ears uv fellermen that knows: Them symperthetic `usbands `oo `ave `eard The fog-`orn soundin` in the wifely word. Fer when stern jooty grips a `usband`s `eart   (That`s me) an` eggs `im on to start a scene That`s like to tear two `appy lives apart,   In spite uv all `er carin` (That`s Doreen) Why, there you `ave a story that would make A bonzer movie - with a bit uv fake. But `ere`s the plot.  When my pal, Ginger Mick,   Chucked in `is alley in this war we won, `E left things tangled; fer `e went too quick   Fer makin` last requests uv anyone. `E jist sez to the world, when last `e spoke, "Look after Rose!" . . . `E was a trustful bloke. Rose lives in Spadgers Lane.  She lived, them days,   Fer Mick`s returnin`.  When `e never came, If she lost `old, an` took to careless ways,   Well, I ain`t sayin` she was much to blame. An` I don`t worry, till I `ear she`s took, Or thinks uv takin` on to ways that`s crook. Although I`m vegetatin` on a farm,   I gets a city whisper now an` then. An` when I `ear she`s like to come to `arm   Amongst a push uv naughty spieler men, I gets the wind up.  This is all I see: Mick was my cobber; so it`s up to me. That`s all I see, quite clear, with my two eyes.   But marrid blokes will understand once more, When I remarks that marrid blokes is wise   `Oo `ave the sense to take a squint through four. Four eyes is needed in reviewin` plans - Their vision`s broader than a single man`s. But when them four eyes sees two ways at once -   Gets crossed - Ar, well, ther`s things in marrid life For which a hint`s enough fer any dunce.   Ther`s certin things between a man an` wife That can`t be quite - But take this fer a fack: Don`t start things uv a mornin`.  It ain`t tack. That was me first bad break. I should `ave seen   The supper things washed up, an` `elped a bit, An` then `ave broke it gently to Doreen,   Promiscus, like I jist `ad thought uv it. But I done worse. I blurts wot I`d to say Upon the mornin` uv a washin` day! There`s gumption fer yeh.  eight years I been hitched -   Eight years uv trainin`, an` I fall down flat! Like some poor, love-sick softy `oo gets switched   Fer tellin` "sweetie" `e don`t like `er `at, When she`s jist come frum `avin` rows no end About it`s trimmin` with `er dearest friend. I owns me ta`tic`s crook.  But, all the same,   Ther` weren`t no need fer certin things she said. Wantin` to do good acts don`t call fer blame,   Even on tackless `usban`s, eight years wed. A bloke `oo jist suggests a `armless plan Don`t need remindin` `e`s a marrid man. `Struth!  Don`t I know it?  Can I well ferget   While I still `ave two `ealthy ears to `ark? Not that she torks an` mags a lot; but yet   Ther`s somethin` in `er choice uv a remark That gets there, worse than yappin` all day long, An` makes me pure intentions look dead wrong. It seems it ain`t right fer a marrid bloke   To rescue maids. I starts to answer back; But got took up before I `ardly spoke,   An` innercent designs is painted black. I calls attention to the knights uv old; But tin knights an` romance iist leaves `er cold. I read `er meanin` plain in `er cool eye.   Aw, strike! I ain`t admirin` Rose!… Wot?… Me! But when `er look sez "Rats!" where`s the reply   A man can give, an` keep `is dignity? It can`t be done.  When they git on that lay, Wise coves adjourns the meet, an` fades away. That`s wot I done.  I gits out uv the `ouse   All dignified.  An`, jist to show `er `ow Reel unconcerned I am, I starts to rouse   Me neighbour, Wally Free, about `is cow Wot`s got in to me cabbages, an` et Close on a row uv `em.  I`ll shoot `er yet! (A batchelor `e is, this Wally Free -   A soljer bloke that come this way last year An` took the little farm nex` door to me.)   When I gets mad, `e grins frum ear to ear, An` sez, "Cool orf," `e sez.  "It`s plain your wool `As been pulled `ard this mornin`." `E`s a fool! If `e don`t mend that fence . . . Ar, wot`s the good?   I lets `im go, an` sneaks be`ind the shed, An` sits there broodin` on a pile uv wood…   Ther`s certin things she might `ave left unsaid. Ther` wasn`t nothin` fer to make `er go An` dig up chance remarks uv years ago. Me problem`s this: Either I `urts Doreen,   By doin` things with which she don`t agree, Or lets Rose slide, an` treats me cobber mean -   Ole Ginger Mick, `oo `ad no friend but me. I ain`t a ringtail; but, by gum, it`s tough. I loves me wife too much to treat `er rough. If I was single . . . `Struth!  `Oo wants to be?   Fool batchelors can larf their silly larf, An` kid theirselves they got a pull on me.   I`m out uv sorts, that`s all; an` more than `arf Inclined to give some coot a crack, right now Fer pref`rince, some insultin` single cow!

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