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C J Dennis - Half a ManC J Dennis - Half a Man
Work rating: Low

"I wash me `ands uv `im," I tells `em straight.   "You women can do wot yeh dash well like. I leave this `arf a man to `is own fate;   I`ve done me bit, an` now I`m gone on strike. Do wot yeh please; but don`t arsk `elp from me; `E`s give me nerves; so now I`ll let `im be." Doreen an` ole Mar Flood `as got a scheme.   They`ve been conspirin` for a week or more About this Digger Smith, an` now they dream   They`ve got `is fucher waitin` in cold store To `and `im out, an` fix `im up for life. But they`ve got Buckley`s, as I tells me wife. I`ve seen them whisperin` up in our room.   Now they wants me to join in the debate; But "Nix," I tells `em. "I ain`t in the boom,   An` Digger Smith ain`t risin` to me bait; `E`s fur too fly a fish for me to catch, An` two designin` women ain`t `is match." I puts me foot down firm, an` tells `em, No!   Their silly plan`s a thing I wouldn`t touch. An` then me wife, for `arf an hour or so,   Talks to me confident, of nothin` much; Then, `fore I know it, I am all red `ot Into the scheme, an` leader uv the plot. `Twas Mar Flood starts it. She got `old uv `im-   You know the way they `ave with poor, weak men- She drops a tear or two concernin` Jim;   Tells `im wot women `ave to bear; an` then She got `im talkin`, like a woman can. `E never would `ave squeaked to any man. She leads `im on - It`s crook the way they scheme -   To talk about this girl `e`s let be`ind. Not that she`s pryin`! Why, she wouldn`t dream!-   But speakin` uv it might jist ease `is mind. Then, `fore `e knows, `e`s told, to `is surprise, Name an` address - an` colour uv `er eyes! An` then she`s off `ere plottin` with Doreen-   Bustin` a confidence, I tells `em, flat. But all me roustin` leaves `em both serene:   Women don`t see a little thing like that. An` I ain`t cooled off yet before they`ve got Me workin` for `em in this crooked plot. Nex` day Mar Flood she takes `er Sunday dress   An` `er best bonnet up to town. `Er game`s to see the girl at this address   An` word `er in regard to comin` down To take Smith be su`prise. My part`s to fix A meetin` so there won`t be any mix. I tips, that girl won`t `esitate.   She don`t. She comes right back with Mar nex` day, All uv a fluster. When I see `er state   I thinks I`d best see Digger straight away; `Cos if I don`t, `e`s bound to `ear the row, With `er: "Where is `e? Can`t I see `im now?" I finds `im in the paddick down at Flood`s.   I `ums an` `ars a bit about the crops. `E don`t say nothin`: goes on baggin` spuds.   "`Ow would yeh like," I sez to `im, an` stops. "`Ow would it be"… `E stands an` looks at me: "Now, wot the `Ell`s got into you?" sez `e. That don`t restore me confidence a bit.   The drarmer isn`t goin` as I tipped. I corfs, an` makes another shot at it;   While `e looks at me like `e thinks I`m dipped. "Well - jist suppose," I sez; an` then I turn An` see `er standin` there among the fern. She don`t want no prelimin`ries, this tart;   She`s broke away before they rung the bell; She`s beat the gun, an` got a flyin` start.   Smith makes a funny noise, an` I sez "`Ell!" Because I tumbles that I`m out uv place. But, as I went, I caught sight uv `er face. That`s all I want to know. An`, as I ran,   I `ear`s her cry, "My man! Man an` a `arf! Don`t fool me with yer talk uv `arf a man!"…   An` then I `ear ole Digger start to larf. It was a funny larf, so `elp me bob: Fair in the middle uv it come a sob… I don`t see Digger till the other night.   "Well, `Arf-a-man," I sez, "`Ow goes it now?" "Yes, `arf a man," sez `e. "Yeh got it right;   I can`t change that, alone, not any`ow. But she is mendin` things." `E starts to larf. "Some day," `e sez, "she`ll be the better `arf."

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