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C J Dennis - `Bobbie` for BrotherhoodC J Dennis - `Bobbie` for Brotherhood
Work rating: Low

Lang syne I penned a mickle rhyme   That muckle grief brocht to my soul; For critics said `twas aye a crime   Nae Scottish patriot could thole Whit way I ca`ed their honored bard,   Wi` kind intention, "Bobbie" Burns. Aye, mon, they smote me fine an` hard   Wi` sic` fierce words as nae yin learns Save native sons, those braw, stern men O` mountain crag an` heather glen. Misdoubtin` whit my critics said,   An` sair distressed aboot my plight, A notion cam` intil my head   To haud a Scottish plebiscite. Forbye I passed frae Scot to Scot   Spierin` whit way they named their bard, An` aye the same reply I got   Wi`out dispute in sic` regard; For ilka mon gie`d answer straight Wi` ne`er a thocht tae heesitate. A mon frae Glasea first I speired,   A humble an` unlettered loon, An` then a scholar, red o` beard,   That cam` from Edinburgh toon; A Hielan` chief, a rowan` chiel,   Men oot o` Leith an` Aberdeen, Tae ane an` a` I made appeal,   Tae gowk an` greybeard, wife an` wean, An` a`, wi` unanimity The selfsame answer gi`ed tae me. An `twas na` Robert, Rab or Rob   They ca`ed yon braw, poetic yin That wakes in Scottish hearts a throb   Wi` words that mak` the whole world kin. They named him "Bobbie" wi`out shame,   As Bobbie he will ever be To sic` as scorn to clothe his name   Wi` smug respectabeelity. To humble hearts his songs defend Beloved Bobbie, brither, friend.

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