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C J Dennis - Ginger`s CobberC J Dennis - Ginger`s Cobber
Work rating: Low

"`E wears perjarmer soots an` cleans `is teeth,"   That`s wot I reads.  It fairly knocked me flat, "Me soljer cobber, be the name o` Keith."   Well, if that ain`t the limit, strike me fat! The sort that Ginger Mick would think beneath `Is notice once.  Perjarmers!  Cleans `is teeth? Ole Ginger Mick `as sent a billy-doo   Frum somew`ere on the earth where fightin` thick. The Censor wus a sport to let it thro`,   Considerin` the choice remarks o` Mick. It wus that `ot, I`m wond`rin` since it came It didn`t set the bloomin` mail aflame. I`d love to let yeh `ave it word fer word;   But, strickly, it`s a bit above the odds; An` there`s remarks that`s `ardly ever `eard   Amongst the company to w`ich we nods. It seems they use the style in Ginger`s trench Wot`s written out an` `anded to the Bench. I tones the langwidge down to soot the ears   Of sich as me an` you resorts wiv now. If I should give it jist as it appears   Partic`lar folk might want ter make a row. But say, yeh`d think ole Ginger wus a pote If yeh could read some juicy bits `e`s wrote. It`s this noo pal uv `is that tickles me;   `E`s got a mumma, an` `is name is Keith. A knut upon the Block le used to be,   `Ome `ere; the sort that flashes golden teeth, An` wears `or socks, an` torks a lot o` guff; But Ginger sez they`re cobbers till they snuff. It come about like this: Mick spragged `im first   Fer swankin` it too much abroad the ship. `E `ad nice manners an` `e never cursed;   Which set Mick`s teeth on edge, as you may tip. Likewise, `e `ad two silver brushes, w`ich `Is mumma give `im, `cos `e fancied sich. Mick pinched `em.  Not, as you will understand,   Becos uv any base desire fer loot, But jist becos, in that rough soljer band,   Them silver-backed arrangements didn`t soot: An` etiket must be observed always. (They fetched ten drinks in Cairo, Ginger says.) That satisfied Mick`s honour fer a bit,   But still `e picks at Keith fer exercise, An` all the other blokes near `as a fit   To see Mick squirm at Keith`s perlite replies, Till one day Keith `owls back "You flamin` cow!" Then Mick permotes `im, an` they `as a row. I sez "permotes `im," fer, yeh`ll understand   Ole Ginger `as `is pride o` class orl right; `E`s not the bloke to go an` soil `is `and   Be stoushin` any coot that wants to fight. `Im, that `as `ad `is chances more`n once Up at the Stajum, ain`t no bloomin` dunce. Yeh`ll `ave to guess wot sort o` fight took place.   Keith learnt `is boxin` at a "culcher" school. The first three rounds, to save `im frum disgrace,   Mick kids `im on an` plays the gentle fool. An` then `e outs `im wiv a little tap, An` tells `im `e`s a reg`lar plucky chap. They likes each other better after that,   Fer Ginger alwus `ad a reel soft spot Fer blokes `oo `ad some man beneath their `at,   An` never whined about the jolts they got. Still, pride o` class kept `em frum gettin` thick. It`s `ard to git right next to Ginger Mick. Then comes Gallipoli an` wot Mick calls   "An orl-in push fight multerplied be ten," An` one be one the orfficers they falls,   Until there`s no one left to lead the men. Fer `arf a mo` they `esitates stock still; Fer `oo`s to lead `em up the flamin` `ill? `Oo is to lead `em if it ain`t the bloke   `0o`s `eaded pushes down in Spadger`s Lane, Since `e first learnt to walk an` swear an` smoke,   An` mixed it willin` both fer fun an` gain - That narsty, ugly, vi`lent man, `oo`s got Grip on the minds uv men when blood runs `ot? Mick led `em; an` be`ind `im up the rise,   `Owlin` an` cursin`, comes that mumma`s boy, `Is cobber, Keith, with that look in `is eyes   To give the `cart uv any leader joy. An` langwidge!  If `is mar at `ome `ad `eard She would `a` threw a fit at ev`ry word. Mick dunno much about wot `appened then,   Excep` `e felt `is Dream uv Stoush come true; Fer `im an` Keith they fought like fifty men,   An` felt like gawds wiv ev`ry breath they drew. Then Ginger gits it solid in the neck, An` flops; an` counts on passin` in `is check. When `e come to, the light wus gettin` dim,   The ground wus cold an` sodden underneath, Someone is lyin` right `longside uv `im.   Groanin` wiv pain, `e turns, an` sees it`s Keith - Keith, wiv `is rifle cocked, an` starin` `ard Ahead.  An` now `e sez "`Ow is it, pard?" Mick gently lifts `is `ead an` looks around.   There ain`t another flamin` soul in sight, They`re covered be a bit o` risin` ground,   An` rifle-fire is cracklin` to the right. "Down!" sez the mumma`s joy.  "Don`t show yer `ead! Unless yeh want it loaded full o` lead." Then, bit be bit, Mick gits the strength uv it.   They wus so occupied wiv privit scraps, They never noticed `ow they come to git   Right out ahead uv orl the other chaps. They`ve bin cut orf, wiv jist one little chance Uv gittin` back.  Mick seen it at a glance. "`Ere, Kid," `e sez, "you sneak around that `ill.   I`m down an` out; an` you kin tell the boys;" Keith don`t reply to `im but jist lies still,   An` signs to Ginger not to make a noise. "`Ere, you!" sez Mick, "I ain`t the man to funk - I won`t feel `ome-sick.  Imshee!  Do a bunk!" Keith bites `is lips; `e never turns `is `ead.   "Wot in the `ell;" sez Mick, "`ere, wot`s yer game?" "I`m an Australian," that wus all `e said,   An` pride took `old o` Mick to `ear that name - A noo, glad pride that ain`t the pride o` class - An` Mick`s contempt, it took the count at lars`! All night they stayed there, Mick near mad wiv pain,   An` Keith jist lettin` up `is watchful eye To ease Mick`s wounds an` bind `em up again,   An` give `im water, w`ile `imself went dry. Brothers they wus, `oo found their brotherhood That night on Sari Bair, an` found it good. Brothers they wus.  I`m wond`rin`, as I read   This scrawl uv Mick`s, an` git its meanin` plain, If you, `oo never give these things no `eed,   Ain`t got some brothers down in Spadger`s Lane - Brothers you never `ad the chance to meet Becos they got no time fer Collins Street. "I`m an Australian." Well, it takes the bun!   It`s got that soft spot in the `eart o` Mick. But don`t make no mistake; `e don`t gush none,   Or come them "brother`ood" remarks too thick. `E only writes, "This Keith`s a decent coot, Cobber o` mine, an` white from cap to boot." "`E wears perjarmers an` `e cleans `is teeth,"   The sort o` bloke that Ginger once dispised! But once a man shows metal underneath,   Cobbers is found, an` brothers reckernised. Fer, when a bloke`s soul-clobber`s shed in war, `E looks the sort o` man Gawd meant `im for.

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