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C J Dennis - Digger SmithC J Dennis - Digger Smith
Work rating: Low

`E calls me Digger; that`s `ow `e begins. `E sez `e`s only `arf a man; an` grins.   Judged be `is nerve, I`d say `e was worth two       Uv me an` you. Then `e digs `arf a fag out uv `is vest, Borrers me matches, an` I gives `im best. The first I `eard about it Poole told me. "There is a bloke called Smith at Flood`s," sez `e;   "Come there this mornin`, sez `e`s come to stay,       An` won`t go `way. Sez `e was sent there be a pal named Flood; An` talks uv contracts sealed with Flanders mud. "No matter wot they say, `e only grins," Sez Poole. "`E`s rather wobbly on `is pins.   Seems like a soldier bloke. An` Peter Begg       `E sez one leg Works be machinery, but I dunno. I only know `e`s there an` `e won`t go. "`E grins," sez Poole, "at ev`rything they say. Dad Flood `as nearly `ad a fit today.   `E`s cursed, an` ordered `im clean off the place;       But this cove`s face Jist goes on grinnin`, an` he sez, quite carm, `E`s come to do a bit around the farm." The tale don`t sound too good to me at all. "If `e`s a crook," I sez, "`e wants a fall.   Maybe `e`s dilly. I`ll go round and see.       `E`ll grin at me When I `ave done, if `e needs dealin` with." So I goes down to interview this Smith. `E `ad a fork out in the tater patch. Sez `e, "Why `ello, Digger. Got a match?"   "Digger?" I sez. "Well, you ain`t digger `ere.       You better clear. You ought to know that you can`t dig them spuds. They don`t belong to you; they`re ole Dad Flood`s." "Can`t I?" `e grins. "I`ll do the best I can, Considerin` I`m only `arf a man.   Give us a light. I can`t get none from Flood,       An` mine is dud." I parts; an` `e stands grinning at me still; An` then `e sez, "`Ave yeh fergot me, Bill?" I looks, an` seen a tough bloke, short an` thin. Then, Lord! I remembers that ole grin.   "It`s little Smith!" I `owls, "uv Collin`wood.       Lad, this is good! Last time I seen yer, you an` Ginger Mick Was `owling rags, out on yer final kick."  "Yer on to it," `e sez. "Nex` day we sailed. Now `arf uv me`s back `ome, an` `arf they nailed.   An` Mick….Ar, well, Fritz took me down a peg."       `E waves `is leg. "It ain`t too bad," `e sez, with `is ole smile; "But when I starts to dig it cramps me style. But I ain`t grouchin`. It wos worth the fun. We `ad some picnic stoushin` Brother `Un-   The only fight I`ve `ad that some John `Op       Don`t come an` stop. They pulled me leg a treat, but, all the same, There`s nothing over `ere to beat the game. "An` now," `e sez,  "I`m `ere to do a job I promised, if it was me luck to lob   Back `ome before me mate," `e sez, an` then,       `E grins again. "As clear as mud," I sez. "But I can`t work Me brains to `old yer pace. Say, wot`s the lurk?" So then `e puts me wise. It seems that `im An` this `ere Flood - I tips it must be Jim -   Was cobbers up in France, an` things occurred.       (I got `is word Things did occur up there). But, anyway Seems Flood done somethin` good for `im one day. Then Smith `e promised if he came back `ome Before `is cobber o`er the flamin` foam,   `E`d see the ole folks `ere, an` `e agreed,       If there was need, `E`d stay an` do a bit around the farm So long as `e had one sound, dinkum arm. "So, `ere I am," `e sez, an` grins again. "A promise is a promise `mong us men."   Sez I, "You come up to the `ouse.       Ole Dad won`t rouse When once `e`s got yer strength, an` as for Mar, She`ll kiss yeh when she finds out `oo yeh are." So we goes up, an` finds `em both fair dazed About this little Smith; they think `e`s crazed.   I tells the tale in words they understand;     Then it was grand To see Dad grab Smith`s `and an` pump it good, An` Mar, she kissed `im, like I said she would. Mar sez `e must be starved, an` right away The kettle`s on, she`s busy with a tray.   An`, when I left, this Digger Smith `e looked       Like `e was booked For keeps, with tea an` bread an` beef inside. "Our little Willie`s `ome," `e grins, "an` dried."

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