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C J Dennis - Uncle JimC J Dennis - Uncle Jim
Work rating: Low

"I got no time fer wasters, lad," sez `e,   "Give me a man wiv grit," sez Uncle Jim. `E bores `is cute ole eyes right into me,   While I stares `ard an` gives it back to `im. Then orl at once `e grips me `and in `is: "Some`ow," `e sez, "I likes yer ugly phiz." "You got a look," `e sez, "like you could stay;   Altho` yeh mauls King`s English when yeh yaps, An` `angs flash frills on ev`rythink yeh say.   I ain`t no grammarist meself, per`aps, But langwidge is a `elp, I owns," sez Unk, "When things is goin` crook." An` `ere `e wunk. "Yeh`ll find it tough," `e sez, "to knuckle down.   Good farmin` is a gift—like spoutin` slang. Yeh`ll `ave to cut the luxuries o` town,   An` chuck the manners of this back-street gang; Fer country life ain`t cigarettes and beer." "I`m game," I sez. Sez Uncle, "Put it `ere!" Like that I took the plunge, an` slung the game.   I`ve parted wiv them joys I `eld most dear; I`ve sent the leery bloke that bore me name   Clean to the pack wivout one pearly tear; An` frum the ashes of a ne`er-do-well A bloomin` farmer`s blossomin` like `ell. Farmer! That`s me! Wiv this `ere strong right `and   I`ve gripped the plough; and blistered jist a treat. Doreen an` me `as gone upon the land.   Yours truly fer the burden an` the `eat! Yours truly fer upendin` chunks o` soil! The `ealthy, `ardy, `appy son o` toil! I owns I`ve `ankered fer me former joys;   I`ve `ad me hours o` broodin` on me woes; I`ve missed the comp`ny, an` I`ve missed the noise,   The football matches an` the picter shows. I`ve missed—but, say, it makes me feel fair mean To whip the cat; an` then see my Doreen. To see the colour comin` in `er cheeks,   To see `er eyes grow brighter day be day, The new, glad way she looks an` laughs an` speaks   Is worf ten times the things I`ve chucked away. An` there`s a secret, whispered in the dark, `As made me `eart sing like a flamin` lark. Jist let me tell yeh `ow it come about.   The things that I`ve been thro` `ud fill a book. Right frum me birf Fate played to knock me out;   The `and that I `ad dealt to me was crook! Then comes Doreen, an` patches up me parst; Now Forchin`s come to bunk wiv me at larst. First orf, one night poor Mar gits suddin fits,   An` floats wivout the time to wave "good-byes." Doreen is orl broke up the day she flits;   It tears me `eart in two the way she cries. To see `er grief, it almost made me glad I never knowed the mar I must `ave `ad. We done poor Muvver proud when she went out—   A slap-up send-orf, trimmed wiv tears an` crape. An` then fer weeks Doreen she mopes about,   An` life takes on a gloomy sorter shape. I watch `er face git pale, `er eyes grow dim; Till—like some `airy angel—comes ole Jim. A cherub togged in sunburn an` a beard   An` duds that shouted "`Ayseed!" fer a mile: Care took the count the minute `e appeared,   An` sorrer shrivelled up before `is smile, `E got the `ammer-lock on my good-will The minute that `e sez, "So, this is Bill." It`s got me beat. Doreen`s late Par, some way,   Was second cousin to `is bruvver`s wife. Somethin` like that. In less than `arf a day   It seemed `e`d been my uncle orl me life. `E takes me `and: "I dunno `ow it is," `E sez, "but, lad, I likes that ugly phiz." An` when `e`d stayed wiv us a little while   The `ouse begun to look like `ome once more. Doreen she brightens up beneath `is smile,   An` `ugs `im till I kids I`m gettin` sore. Then, late one night, `e opens up `is scheme, An` passes me wot looks like some fond dream. `E `as a little fruit-farm, doin` well;   `E saved a tidy bit to see `im thro`; `E`s gittin` old fer toil, an` wants a spell;   An` `ere`s a `ome jist waitin` fer us two. "It`s `ers an` yours fer keeps when I am gone," Sez Uncle Jim. "Lad, will yeh take it on?" So that`s the strength of it. An` `ere`s me now   A flamin` berry farmer, full o` toil; Playin` joo-jitsoo wiv an` `orse an` plough,   An` coaxin` fancy tucker frum the soil, An` longin`, while I wrestles with the rake, Fer days when me poor back fergits to ache. Me days an` nights is full of schemes an` plans   To figger profits an` cut out the loss; An` when the pickin`s on, I `ave me `an`s   To take me orders while I act the boss; It`s sorter sweet to `ave the right to rouse…. An` my Doreen`s the lady of the `ouse. To see `er bustlin` `round about the place,   Full of the simple joy o` doin` things, That thoughtful, `appy look upon `er face,   That `ope an` peace an` pride o` labour brings, Is worth the crowd of joys I knoo one time, An` makes regrettin` `em seem like a crime. An` ev`ry little while ole Uncle Jim   Comes up to stay a bit an` pass a tip. It gives us `eart jist fer to look at `im,   An` feel the friendship in `is warm `and-grip. `Im, wiv the sunburn on `is kind ole dile; `Im, wiv the sunbeams in `is sweet ole smile. "I got no time fer wasters, lad," sez `e,   "But that there ugly mug o` yourn I trust." An` so I reckon that it`s up to me   To make a bloomin` do of it or bust. I got to take the back-ache wiv the rest, An` plug along, an` do me little best. Luck ain`t no steady visitor, I know;   But now an` then it calls—fer look at me! You wouldn`t take me, `bout a year ago,   Free gratis wiv a shillin` pound o` tea; Then, in a blessed leap, ole Forchin lands A missus an` a farm fair in me `ands.

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