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C J Dennis - In Spadger`s LaneC J Dennis - In Spadger`s Lane
Work rating: Low

Ole Mother Moon `oo yanks `er beamin` dile   Acrost the sky when we`ve grown sick o` day, She`s like some fat ole Jane `oo loves to smile   On all concerned, an` smooth our faults away; An`, like a woman, tries to `ide again The sores an` scars crool day `as made too plain. To all the earth she gives the soft glad-eye;   She picks no fav`rits in this world o` men; She peeps in nooks, where `appy lovers sigh,   To make their job more bonzer still; an` then, O`er Spadger`s Lane she waves a podgy `and, An` turns the scowlin` slums to Fairyland. Aw, strike!  I`m gettin` soft in my ole age!   I`m growin` mushy wiv the passin` years. Me! that `as called it weakness to ingage   In sloppy thorts that coax the pearly tears. But say, me state o` mind I can`t ixplain When I seen Rose lars` night in Spadger`s Lane. `Twas Spadger`s Lane where Ginger Mick `ung out   Before `e took to follerin` the Flag; The Lane that echoed to `is drunken shout   When `e lobbed `omeward on a gaudy jag. Now Spadger`s Lane knows Ginger Mick no more, Fer `e`s become an `ero at the War. A flamin` `ero at the War, that`s Mick.   An` Rose - `is Rose, is waitin` in the Lane, Nursin` `er achin` `eart, an` lookin` sick   As she crawls out to work an` `ome again, Givin` the bird to blokes `oo`d be `er "friend," An` prayin`, wiv the rest, fer wars to end. Quite right; I`m growin` sloppy fer a cert;   But I must git it orf me chest or bust. So `ere`s a song about a grievin` skirt,   An` love, an` Ginger Mick, an` maiden trust! The choky sort o` song that fetches tears When blokes is full o` sentiment-or beers. Lars` night, when I sneaks down to taste again   The sights an` sounds I used to know so well, The moon wus shinin` over Spadger`s Lane,   Sof`nin` the sorrer where `er kind light fell: Sof`nin` an` soothin`, like it wus `er plan To make ixcuses fer the sins uv man. Frum shadder inter shadder, up the street,   A prowlin` moll sneaks by, wiv eyes all `ate, Dodgin` some unseen John, `oo`s sure, slow feet   Comes tappin` after, certin as `er fate; In some back crib, a shicker`s loud `owled verse Stops sudden, wiv a crash, an` then a curse. Low down, a splotch o` red, where `angs a blind   Before the winder uv a Chow caboose, Shines in the dead black wall, an` frum be`ind,   Like all the cats o` Chinertown broke loose, A mad Chow fiddle wails a two-note toon… An` then I seen `er, underneath the moon. Rosie the Rip they calls `er int he Lane;   Fer she wus alwus willin` wiv `er `an`s, An` uses `em to make `er meanin` plain   In ways theat Spadger`s beauties understan`s. But when ole Ginger played to snare `er `eart, Rosie the Rip wus jist the soft, weak tart. `Igh in `er winder she wus leanin` out,   Swappin` remarks wiv fat ole Mother Moon. The things around I clean Fergot about -   Fergot the fiddle an` its crook Chow toon; I only seen one woman in the light Achin` to learn `er forchin frum the night. Ole Ginger`s Rose!  To see `er sittin` there,   The moonlight shinin` fair into `er face, An` sort o` touchin` gentle on `er `air,   It made me fair fergit the time an` place. I feels I`m peepin` where I never ought, An` tries `arf not to `ear the words I caught. One soljer`s sweetheart, that wus wot I seen:   One out o` thousands grievin` thro` the land. A tart frum Spadger`s or a weepin` queen -   Wot`s there between `em, when yeh understand She `olds fer Mick, wiv all `is ugly chiv, The best a lovin` woman `as to give. The best a woman `as to give - Aw, `Struth!   When war, an` grief, an` trouble`s on the land Sometimes a bloke gits glimpses uv the truth   An` sweats `is soul to try an` understand . . . An` then the World, like some offishus John, Shoves out a beefy `and, an` moves `im on. So I seen Rose; an` so, on that same night   I seen a million women grievin` there. Ole Mother Moon she showed to me a sight   She sees around the World, most everyw`ere - Sneakin` beneath the shadder uv the wall I seen, an` learned, an` understood it all. An` as I looks at Rosie, dreamin` there,   `Er `ead drops on `er arms . . . I seems to wake; I sees the moonlight streamin` on `er `air;   I `ears `er sobbin` like `er `eart ud break. An` me there, pryin` on `er misery. "Gawstruth!" I sez, "This ain`t no place fer me!" On my tip-toes I sneaks the way I came -   (The crook Chow fiddle ain`t done yowlin` yet) - An` tho` I tells it to me bitter shame -   I`m gittin` soft as `ell - me eyes wus wet. An` that stern John, as I go moochin` by Serloots me wiv a cold, unfeelin` eye. The fat ole Mother Moon she`s got a `eart.   An` so I like to think, when she looks down Wiv `er soft gaze upon some weepin tart   In bonzer gardens or the slums o` town; She soothes `em, mother-like, wiv podgy `ands, An` makes `em dream agen uv peaceful lands.

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