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C J Dennis - `Ave a `eart!C J Dennis - `Ave a `eart!
Work rating: Low

"`Ere!  `Ave a `eart!" `e sez.  "Why, love a duck!   A `uman bein` ain`t a choppin` block! There ain`t no call fer you to go an` chuck   A man about when `e `as took the knock. Gaw!  Do yeh want to bust `im all apart!      `Ere!  `Ave a `eart! "Aw, `ave a `eart!" `e weeps.  "A fight`s a fight;   But, strike me bandy, this is bloody war! It`s murder!  An` you got no blasted right   To arst a `uman man to come fer more. `E `ad no chance with you right frum the start.      Aw, `ave a `eart! "Yeh`ve pulped `is dile," `e whines; "yeh`ve pinched `is gun;   Yeh`ve bunged `is eye `an bashed in `arf `is teeth. `Struth!  Ain`t yeh satisfied with wot yeh`ve done?   Or are you out to fit `im fer a wreath? The man`s `arf dead a`ready!  Wot`s yer dart?      Say, `ave a `eart!" I never did `ear sich a bloke to squeal   About a trifle.  This `ere pal uv Spike`s Don`t seem to `ave the stummick fer a deal   Uv solid stoush: rough work don`t soot `is likes. `E ain`t done much but blather frum the start,      "`Ere `ave a `eart!" A rat-face coot `e is, with rat-like nerves   That`s got all jangled with ixceedin` fright, While I am `andin` Spike wot `e deserves.   But twice `e tried to trip me in the fight, The little skunk, now sobbin` like a tart,      "Aw, `ave a `eart!" This `ere`s the pretty pitcher in Ah Foo`s   Back privit room: Spite Wegg, well on the floor, Is bleedin` pretty, with a bonzer bruise   Paintin` one eye, an` `arf `is clobber tore. While me, the conq`rin` `ero, stan`s above      `Owlin` me love. The rat-face mutt is dancin` up an` down;   Ah Foo is singin` jazz in raw Chinee; The parson`s starin` at me with a frown,   As if `e thort sich things could never be; An` I`m some bloke `e`s but `arf rekernised      `E`s `ipnertised. Foo`s furniture is scattered any`ow,   Artisic like, in bits about the floor. An` `arf a dozen blokes, drawn by the row,   Nosey but nervis, `overs near the door. I ain`t no pitcher orf no chocklit box.      I`ve took some knocks. I ain`t no pitcher.  But - 0 Glory! - But   Ther`s dicky-birds awarblin` in me soul! To think that I ain`t lost that upper-cut!   An` my left-`ook`s still with me, good an` whole. I feared me punch was dead; but I was wrong.      Me `eart`s all song! Then, as Spike makes a move, I raised me mits   Fearin` a foul; an` Rat-face does `is block. `E loosens up a string uv epi-tits   That seem to jolt the parson with a shock. Filthy an` free they was, make no mistakes.      Then Snowy wakes. All through the fight `e `ad seemed kind uv dazed,   Ubsorbin` it like some saint in a dream. But now `e straightened up, `is ole eyes blazed   An`, as the filth flowed in a red-`ot stream, `Is voice blew in like cool winds frum the south:      "Shut that foul mouth!" "Shut your vile mouth, or, by the Lord! - "`Is `and   Went up, an` there was anger on `is face. But Rat-face ducked.  `E weren`t the man to stand   Agin that figger uv avengin` grace. Ducked, or `e might uv stopped one `oly smite      Frum Snowy`s right. "Young friend," `E turns to me.  An` then I `ear   A yell: "The cops!  The cops is in the Lane! "Parson," I sez, "we are de tropp, I fear.   Mid `appier scenes I`ll vencher to ixplain. `Ang to me `and, an` wave no fond farewell;      But run like `ell!" Some say wrong livin` reaps no good reward.   Well, I dunno.  If I `ad not cut loose In Spadgers, in them days long, long deplored,   `Ow could I knowed the run uv Foo`s caboose? That back-way entrance, used fer Chiner`s friends`      Un`oly ends. Out by a green door; down a flight uv stairs;   Along a passige; up another flight; Through `arf a dozen rooms, broadcastin` scares   To twenty yellow men, pea-green with fright; Me an` the parson, through that `eathen land,      Trips `and in `and. Out uv dark corners, voices `ere an` there   Break sudden with a jabberin` sing-song, Like magpies flutin` on the mornin` air.   We pays no `eed to them, but plug along, Twistin` an` turnin` through them secret ways,      Like in a maze. I bust a bolted door.  The parson gasps:   The air inside is `eavy with the drug. A fat Chow goggles at the broken hasps;   Another dreams un`eedin` on a rug. Out by the other door-past piles uv fruit -      `Ow we did scoot! Red lanterns - lacquer-work - brass pots - strange smells -   Silk curtains - slippers - baskets - ginger jars - A squealin` Chinee fiddle-tinklin` bells -   Queer works uv art - filth - fowls - ducks - iron bars To winders - All pass by us in a stream,      Like `twuz a dream. Down to a cellar; up agen, an` out -   Bananers - brandy jars - we rush pell-mell, Turnin` to left, to right, then round about   (The parson, after, said it seemed like `ell) Through one last orful pong, then up a stair      Into clean air. We`re in a little yard; no thing to stop   Our flight to freedom but a fence.  "Now, jump!" I grabs `is rev`rince, `eaves `im to the top,   An` bungs me own frame over with a bump. "Dam!" sez the parson - or it sounded so -      But I dunno. Seems that `is coat got `itched up on a nail.   `E jerks it free an` gently comes to earth. "Peter the `ermit`s `ome!" I sez.  "All `ail!"   An` makes punk noises indicatin` mirth. The parson, `e walks on, as still as death.      Seems out o` breath. I walk beside `im; but `e sez no word.   To put it straight, I`m feelin` pretty mean - Feelin` a bit ashamed uv wot`s occurred -   But still, I never planned to `ave no scene With Spike. I didn`t start the flamin` row,      Not any`ow. I tells `im so.  But still `e never spoke.   I arsts `im `ow else could the thing be done. I tells `im straight I`d let no flamin` bloke   Take pot shots at me with no flamin` gun. `E stops, an` pats me shoulder with `is `and:      "I understand. "Young friend." `Is face is orful stern an` grave.   "The brawl was not your seekin`, we`ll suppose. But does it `elp this girL we wish to save?   `Ow can sich mad brutality serve Rose? May be, in anger, you fergot, young friend,      Our Christian end?" "Not on yer life!" I tells `im.  "Spike`s in soak,   Whether the cops `ave got `im now or not. An` that removes one interferin` bloke   Wot `ad a mind to queer our `oly plot. Tomorrer we`ll find Rose, an` work good works      With gentler lurks." "Gentler?" `e sez.  "I `ope so." Still `e`s grave.   "The ways uv `Eaven`s strange," `e sez, "an` yours Is stranger still.  Yet all may work to save   One strugglin` soul, if `Eaven`s grace endures." `E`s dreadful solemn.  "I must own I feel      Grieved a great deal. "Your face," `e sez, "is very badly cut -"   "Now, look," I chips.  "`Old on.  Let`s git this right. `Oo was it tried to stoush that rat-face mutt?   `Oo was it barracked for me in the fight? `Oo was it used that word uv evul sense      Up on that fence?" "Young friend!" . . . Indignant?  `Struth!  I see `im try   To keep reel stern.  But soon I rekernise The little twinkle stealin` in `is eye,   That won`t keep out, no matter `ow `e tries. An` then - `is twitchin` lips smile wide apart:      "Aw, `ave a `eart!"

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