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C J Dennis - RabbitsC J Dennis - Rabbits
Work rating: Low

"Ar!  Gimme fights wiv foeman I kin see,   To upper-cut an` wallop on the jor. Life in a burrer ain`t no good to me.         `Struth!  This ain`t war! Gimme a ding-dong go fer `arf a round, An` you kin `ave this crawlin` underground. "Gimme a ragin`, `owlin`, tearin`, scrap,   Wiv room to swing me left, an` feel it land. This `idin`, sneakin` racket makes a chap         Feel secon`-`and. Stuck in me dug-out `ere, down in a `ole, I`m feelin` like I`ve growed a rabbit`s soul." Ole Ginger`s left the `orspital, it seems;   `E`s back at Anzac, cursin` at the game; Fer this `ere ain`t the fightin` uv `is dreams;         It`s too dead tame. `E`s got the oopizootics reely bad, An` `idin` in a burrer makes `im mad. `E sort o` takes it personal, yeh see.   `E used to `awk `em fer a crust, did Mick. Now, makin` `im play rabbits seems to be         A narsty trick. To shove `im like a bunny down a `ole It looks like chuckin` orf, an` sours `is soul. "Fair doos," `e sez, "I joined the bloomin` ranks   To git away frum rabbits: thinks I`m done Wiv them Australian pests, an` `ere`s their thanks:         They makes me one! An` `ere I`m squattin`, scared to shift about; Jist waitin` fer me little tail to sprout. "Ar, strike me up a wattle! but it`s tough!   But `ere`s the dizzy limit, fer a cert - To live this bunny`s life is bad enough,         But `ere`s reel dirt: Some tart at `ome `as sent, wiv lovin` care, A coat uv rabbit-skins fer me to wear! "That`s done it!  Now I`m nibblin` at the food,   An` if a dawg shows up I`ll start to squeal; I s`pose I orter melt wiv gratichude:         `Tain`t `ow I feel. She might `a` fixed a note on wiv a pin: `Please, Mister Rabbit, yeh fergot yer skin!` "I sees me finish!… War?  Why, this ain`t war!   It`s ferritin`!  An` I`m the bloomin` game. Me skin alone is worth the `untin` for -         That tart`s to blame! Before we`re done, I`ve got a silly scare, Some trappin` Turk will catch me in snare. "`E`ll skin me, wiv the others `c `as there,   An` shove us on a truck, an` bung us `round Constantinople at a bob a pair -         Orl fresh an` sound! `Eads down, `eels up, `e`ll `awk us in a row Around the `arems, `owlin `Rabbee-oh!` "But, dead in earnest, it`s a job I `ate.   We`ve got to do it, an` it`s gittin` done; But this soul-dopin` game uv sit-an`-wait,         It ain`t no fun. There`s times I wish, if we weren`t short uv men, That I wus back in `orspital again. "Ar, `orspital!  There is the place to git.   If I thort Paradise wus `arf so snug I`d shove me `ead above the parapit         An` stop a slug; But one thing blocks me playin` sich a joke; I want another scrap before I croak. "I want it bad. I want to git right out   An` plug some josser in the briskit-`ard. I want to `owl an` chuck me arms about,         An` jab, an` guard. An` swing, an` upper-cut, an` crool some pitch, Or git passed out meself - I don`t care w`ich. "There`s some blokes `ere they`ve tumbled to a stunt   Fer gittin` `eni the spell that they deserves. They chews some cordite when life at the front         Gits on their nerves. It sends yer tempracher clean out uv sight, An`, if yeh strike a simple doc, yer right. "I tries it once.  Me soul `ad got the sinks,   Me thorts annoyed me, an` I `ad the joes, I feels like no one loves me, so I thinks,         Well, Mick, `ere goes! I breaks a cartridge open, chews a bit, Reports I`m sick, an` throws a fancy fit. "Me lovin` sargint spreads the gloomy noos,   I gits paraded; but, aw, `Struth! me luck! It weren`t no baby doc I interviews,         But some ole buck Wiv gimblet eyes.  `Put out yer tongue!` `e `owls. Then takes me temp, an` stares at me, an` growls. "`Well, well,` `e sez.  `Wot is yer trouble, lad?`   I grabs me tummy `ard, an` sez I`m ill. `You are,` sez `e.  `Yeh got corditis, bad.         Yeh need a pill. Before yeh go to sleep,` `e sez, `to-night, Swaller the bullet, son, an` you`ll be right.` "`0w`s that fer rotten luck?  But orl the same,   I ain`t complainin` when I thinks it out. I seen it weren`t no way to play the game,         This pullin` out. We`re orl uv us in this to see it thro`, An` bli`me, wot we`ve got to do, we`ll do. "But `oles an` burrers!  Strike!  An` this is war!   This is the bonzer scrappin` uv me dreams! A willin` go is wot I bargained for,         But `ere it seems I`ve died, someway, an` bin condemned to be Me own Wile Rabbee fer eternity. "But `orspital!  I tell yeh, square an` all,   If I could meet the murderin` ole Turk `0o`s bullet sent me there to loaf an` sprawl,         An` dodge me work, Lord!  I`d shake `an`s wiv `im, an` thank `im well Fer givin` me a reel ole bonzer spell. "`E might `a` tnade it jist a wee bit worse.   I`d stand a lot uv that before I`d scream. The grub wus jist the thing; an`, say, me nurse I         She wus a dream! I used to treat them tony tarts wiv mirth; But now I know why they wus put on earth. "It treated me reel mean, that wound uv mine;   It `ealed too quick, considerin` me state. An` `ere I am, back in the firin` line         Gamblin` wiv Fate. It`s like two-up: I`m `eadin` `em this trip; But Iookin`, day be day, to pass the kip. "You tell Doreen, yer wife, `ow I am chock   Full to the neck wiv thanks fer things she sends. Each time I shoves me foot inside a sock         I bless sich friends. I`m bustin` wiv glad thorts fer things she did; So tell `er I serloots `er, an` the kid. "Make `im a soljer, chum, when `c gits old.   Teach `im the tale uv wot the Anzacs did. Teach `im `e`s got a land to love an` hold.         Gawd bless the kid! But I`m in `opes when `is turn comes around They`ll chuck this style uv rootin` underground. "We`re up agin it, mate; we know that well.   There ain`t a man among us wouldn`t lob Over the parapit an` charge like `ell         To end the job. But this is war; an` discipline - well, lad, We sez we `ates it; but we ain`t too bad. "Glory an` gallant scraps is wot I dreamed,   Ragin` around an` smashin` foeman flat; But war, like other thngs, ain`t wot it seems.         So `stid uv that, I`m sittin; in me dug-out scrawlin` this, An` thankin` Gawd when shells go by - an` miss. "I`m sittin` in me dug-out day be day -   It narks us; but Australia`s got a name Fer doin` little jobs like blokes `oo play         A clean straight game. Wiv luck I might see scrappin` `fore I`m done, Or go where Craig `as gone, an` miss the fun. "But if I dodge, an` keep out uv the rain,   An` don`t toss in me alley `fore we wins; An` if I lobs back `ome an` meets the Jane         `Oo sent the skins - These bunnies` overcoats I lives inside - I`ll squeal at `er, an` run away an` `ide. "But, torkin` straight, the Janes `as done their bit.   I`d like to `ug the lot, orl on me pat! They warms us well, the things they`ve sewed an` knit:         An` more than that - I`d like to tell them dear Australian tarts The spirit uv it warms Australian `earts."

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