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C J Dennis - The Singing SoldiersC J Dennis - The Singing Soldiers
Work rating: Medium

"When I`m sittin` in me dug-out wiv me rifle on me knees, An` a yowlin`, `owlin` chorus comes a-floatin` up the breeze -   Jist a bit o` `Bonnie Mary` or `Long Way to Tipperary` - Then I know I`m in Australia, took an` planted overseas.   They`ve bin up agin it solid since we crossed the flamin` foam;   But they`re singin` - alwiz singin` - since we left the wharf at `ome. "O, it`s `On the Mississippi` or `Me Grey `Ome in the West.` If it`s death an` `ell nex` minute they must git it orf their chest.   `Ere`s a snatch o` `When yer Roamin` - When yer Roamin` in the Gloamin`.` `Struth!  The first time that I `eard it, wiv me `ead on Rosie`s breast,   We wus comin` frum a picnic in a Ferntree Gully train . . .   But the shrapnel made the music when I `eard it sung again." So I gits it straight frum Ginger in `is letter `ome to me, On a dirty scrap o` paper wiv the writin` `ard to see.   "Strike!" sez `e.  "It sounds like skitin`; but they`re singin` while       they`re fightin`; An` they socks it into Abdul to the toon o` `Nancy Lee`.   An` I seen a bloke this mornin` wiv `is arm blown to a rag,   `Ummin` `Break the Noos to Mother`, w`ile `e sucked a soothin` fag. "Now, the British Tommy curses, an` the French does fancy stunts, An` the Turk `e `owls to Aller, an` the Gurkha grins an` grunts;   But our boys is singin`, singin`, while the blinded shells is flingin` Mud an` death inter the trenches in them `eavens called the Fronts.   An` I guess their souls keep singin` when they gits the tip to go . . ."   So I gits it, straight frum Ginger; an`, Gawstruth!  `e ort to know. An` `is letter gits me thinkin` when I read sich tales as these, An` I takes a look around me at the paddicks an` the trees;   When I `ears the thrushes trillin`, when I `ear the magpies fillin` All the air frum earth to `eaven wiv their careless melerdies -   It`s the sunshine uv the country, caught an` turned to bonzer notes;   It`s the sunbeams changed to music pourin` frum a thousand throats. Can a soljer `elp `is singin` when `e`s born in sich a land? Wiv the sunshine an` the music pourin` out on ev`ry `and;   Where the very air is singin`, an` each breeze that blows is bringin` `Armony an` mirth an` music fit to beat the `blazin` band.   On the march, an` in the trenches, when a swingin` chorus starts,   They are pourin` bottled sunshine of their `Omeland frum their `earts. O I`ve `eard it, Lord, I`ve `eard it since the days when I wus young, On the beach an` in the bar-room, in the bush I`ve `eard it sung;   "Belle Mahone" an` "Annie Laurie," "Sweet Marie" to "Tobermory," Common toons and common voices, but I`ve `eard `em when they rung   Wiv full, `appy `earts be`ind `em, careless as a thrush`s song -   Wiv me arm around me cliner, an` me notions fur frum wrong. So they growed wiv `earts a-singin` since the days uv careless kids; Beefin` out an `appy chorus jist when Mother Nacher bids;   Singin`, wiv their notes a-quiver, "Down upon the Swanee River," Them`s sich times I`d not be sellin` fer a stack uv golden quids.   An` they`re singin`, still they`re singin`, to the sound uv guns an` drums,   As they sung one golden Springtime underneath the wavin` gums. When they socked it to the Southland wiv our sunny boys aboard - Them that stopped a dam torpeder, an` a knock-out punch wus scored;   Tho` their `ope o` life grew murky, wiv the ship `ead over turkey, Dread o` death an` fear o` drownin` wus jist trifles they ignored.   They spat out the blarsted ocean, an` they filled `emselves wiv air,   An` they passed along the chorus of "Australia will be There". Yes, they sung it in the water; an` a bloke aboard a ship Sez `e knoo they wus Australians be the way thev give it lip -   Sung it to the soothin` motion of the dam devourin` ocean Like a crowd o` seaside trippers in to `ave a little dip.   When I `card that tale, I tell yeh, straight, I sort o` felt a choke;   Fer I seemed to `ear `em singin`, an` I know that sort o` bloke. Yes, I know `im; so I seen `im, barrackin` Eternity. An` the land that `e wus born in is the land that mothered me.   Strike!  I ain`t no sniv`lin` blighter; but I own me eyes git brighter When I see `em pokin` mullock at the everlastin` sea:   When I `ear `em mockin` terror wiv a merry slab o` mirth,   `Ell!  I`m proud I bin to gaol^ in sich a land as give `em birth! "When I`m sittin` in me dug-out wiv the bullets droppin` near," Writes ole Ginger; "an` a chorus smacks me in the flamin` ear:   P`raps a song that Rickards billed, or p`raps a line o` Waltz Matilder`, Then I feel I`m in Australia, took an` shifted over `ere.   Till the music sort o` gits me, an` I lets me top notes roam   While I treats the gentle foeman to a chunk uv "Ome, Sweet `Ome`." They wus singin` on the troopship, they wus singin` in the train; When they left their land be`ind `em they wus shoutin` a refrain,   An` I`ll bet they `ave a chorus, gay an` glad in greetin` for us, When their bit uv scappin`s over, an` they lob back `ome again. . .   An` the blokes that ain`t returnin` - blokes that`s paid the biggest price,   They go singin`, singin`, singin` to the Gates uv Paradise.

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