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C J Dennis - DoreenC J Dennis - Doreen
Work rating: Low

"I wish`t yeh menat it, Bill."  Oh, `ow me `eart   Went out to `er that evnin` on the beach. I knew she weren`t no ordinary tart,       My little peach! To `ear `er voice!  Its gentle sorter tone,   Like soft dream-music of some Dago band. An` me all out; an` `oldin` in me own       `Er little `and. An` `ow she blushed!  O, strike! it was divine The way she raised `er shinin` eyes to mine. `Er eyes!  Soft in the moon; such BOSHTER eyes! An` when they sight a bloke…O, spare me days! `E goes all loose inside; such glamour lies       In `er sweet gaze. It makes `im all ashamed uv wot `e`s been To look inter the eyes of my Doreen. The wet sands glistened, an` the gleamin` moon   Shone yeller on the sea, all streakin` down. A band was playin` some soft, dreamy choon;       An` up the town We `eard the distant tram-cars whir an` clash. An` there I told Per `ow I`d done me dash. "I wish`t yeh meant it."  `Struth!  And did I, fair?   A bloke `ud be a dawg to kid a skirt Like her.  An` me well knowin` she was square.       It `ud be dirt! `E`d be no man to point wiv her, an` kid. I meant it honest; an` she knoo I did. She knoo.  I`ve done me block in on her, straight.   A cove `as got to think some time in life An` get some decent tart, ere it`s too late,       To be `is wife. But, Gawd!  `Oo would `a` thort it could `a` been My luck to strike the likes of Per?…Doreen! Aw, I can stand their chuckin` off, I can.   It`s `ard; an` I`d delight to take `em on. The dawgs!  But it gets that way wiv a man       When `e`s fair gone. She`ll sight no stoush; an` so I have to take Their mag, an` do a duck fer her sweet sake. Fer `er sweet sake I`ve gone and chucked it clean:   The pubs an` schools an` all that leery game. Fer when a bloke `as come to know Doreen,       It ain`t the same. There`s `igher things, she sez, for blokes to do. An` I am `arf believin` that it`s true. Yes, `igher things—that wus the way she spoke;   An` when she looked at me I sorter felt That bosker feelin` that comes o`er a bloke,       An` makes `im melt; Makes `im all `ot to maul `er, an` to shove `Is arms about`er…Bli`me? but it`s love! That`s wot it is.  An` when a man `as grown   Like that `e gets a sorter yearn inside To be a little `ero on `is own;       An` see the pride Glow in the eyes of `er `e calls `is queen; An` `ear `er say `e is a shine champeen. "I wish`t yeh meant it," I can `ear `er yet,   My bit o` fluff!  The moon was shinin` bright, Turnin` the waves all yeller where it set—       A bonzer night! The sparklin` sea all sorter gold an` green; An` on the pier the band—O, `Ell!… Doreen!

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