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C J Dennis - The Austral-AiseC J Dennis - The Austral-Aise
Work rating: Medium

Fellers of Australier,   Blokes an` coves an` coots, Shift yer —- carcases,   Move yer —- boots. Gird yer —- loins up,   Get yer —- gun, Set the —- enermy   An` watch the blighters run. CHORUS:   Get a —- move on,       Have some —- sense.   Learn the —- art of       Self de- —- -fence. Have some —- brains be-   Neath yer —- lids. An` swing a —- sabre   Fer the missus an` the kids. Chuck supportin` —- posts,   An` strikin` —- lights, Support a —— fam`ly an`   Strike fer yer —- rights. CHORUS:   Get a —- move on, etc. Joy is —- fleetin`,   Life is —- short. Wot`s the use uv wastin` it   All on —- sport? Hitch yer —- tip-dray   To a —- star. Let yer —- watchword be   "Australi- —- -ar!" CHORUS:   Get a —- move on, etc. `0w`s the —- nation   Goin` to ixpand `Lest us —- blokes an` coves   Lend a —- `and? `Eave yer —- apathy   Down a —- chasm; `Ump yer —- burden with   Enthusi- —- -asm. CHORUS:   Get a —- move on, etc. W`en old mother Britain   Calls yer native land Take a —- rifle   In yer —- `and Keep yer —- upper lip   Stiff as stiff kin be, An` speed a —- bullet for   Post- —- -ity. CHORUS:   Get a —- move on, etc. W`en the —- bugle   Sounds "Ad- —- -vance" Don`t be like a flock er sheep   In a —- trance Biff the —- Kaiser   Where it don`t agree Spifler- —- -cate him   To Eternity. CHORUS:   Get a —- move on, etc. Fellers of Australier,   Cobbers, chaps an` mates, Hear the —- German   Kickin` at the gates! Blow the —- bugle,   Beat the —- drum, Upper-cut an` out the cow   To kingdom- —- -come! CHORUS:   Get a —- move on,       Have some —- sense.   Learn the —- art of       Self de- —- -fence.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.