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C J Dennis - `A Gallant Gentleman`C J Dennis - `A Gallant Gentleman`
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A month ago the world grew grey fer me;   A month ago the light went out fer Rose. To `er they broke it gentle as might be;   But fer `is pal `twus one uv them swift blows That stops the `eart-beat; fer to me it came Jist, "Killed in Action," an` beneath `is name. `Ow many times `ave I sat dreamin`  `ere   An` seen the boys returnin`, gay an` proud. I`ve seen the greetin`s, `eard `is rousin` cheer,   An` watched ole Mick come stridin` thro` the crowd. `Ow many times `ave I sat in this chair An` seen `is `ard chiv grinnin` over there. `E`s laughed, an` told me stories uv the war.   Changed some `e looked, but still the same ole Mick, Keener an` cleaner than `e wus before;   `E`s took me `and, an` said `e`s in great nick. Sich wus the dreamin`s uv a fool `oo tried To jist crack `ardy, an` `old gloom aside. An` now - well, wot`s the odds?  I`m only one:   One out uv many `oo `as lost a friend. Manlike, I`ll bounce again, an` find me fun;   But fer Poor Rose it seems the bitter end. Fer Rose, an` sich as Rose, when one man dies It seems the world goes black before their eyes. Ar, well; if Mick could `ear me blither now,   I know jist wot `e`d say an` `ow `e`d look: "Aw, cut it out, mate; chuck that silly row!   There ain`t so sense in takin` sich things crook. I`ve took me gamble; an` there`s none to blame Becos I drew a blank; it`s in the game." A parson cove he broke the noos to Rose -   A friend uv mine, a bloke wiv snowy `air, An` gentle, soothin` sort o`ways, `oo goes   Thro` life jist `umpin` others` loads uv care. Instid uv Mick - jist one rough soljer lad - Yeh`d think `e`d lost the dearest friend `e `ad. But `ow kin blows be sof`n`d sich as that?   Rose took it as `er sort must take sich things. An` if the jolt uv it `as knocked me flat,   Well, `oo is there to blame `er if it brings Black thorts that comes to women when they frets, An` makes `er tork wild tork an` foolish threats. An` then there comes the letter that wus sent   To give the strength uv Ginger`s passin` out - A long, straight letter frum a bloke called Trent;   `Tain`t no use tellin` wot it`s orl about: There`s things that`s in it I kin see quite clear Ole Ginger Mick ud be ashamed to `ear. Things praisin `im, that pore ole Mick ud say   Wus comin` it too `ot; fer, spare me days! I well remember that `e `ad a way   Uv curlin` up when `e wus slung bokays. An` Trent `e seems to think that in some way `E owes Mick somethin` that `e can`t repay. Well, p`raps `e does,- an` in the note `e sends   `E arsts if Mick `as people `e kin find. Fer Trent`s an English toff wiv swanky friends,   An` wants to `elp wot Ginger`s left be`ind. `E sez strange things in this `ere note `e sends: "He was a gallant gentleman," it ends. A gallant gentleman!  Well, I dunno.   I `ardly think that Mick ud like that name. But this `ere Trent`s a toff, an` ort to know   The breedin` uv the stock frum which `e came. Gallant an` game Mick might `a` bin; but then - Lord!  Fancy `im among the gentlemen! `E wus a man; that`s good enough fer me,   `Oo wus `is cobber many years before `E writ it plain fer other blokes to see,   An` proved it good an` pleny at the war. `E wus a man; an`, by the way `e died, `E wus a man `is friend can claim wiv pride. The way `e died… Gawd! but it makes me proud   I ever `eld `is `and, to read that tale. An` Trent is one uv that `igh-steppin` crowd   That don`t sling pral`se around be ev`ry mail. To `im it seemed some great `eroic lurk; But Mick, I know, jist took it wiv `is work. No matter wot `e done.  It`s jist a thing   I knoo `e`d do if once `e got the show. An` it would never please `im fer to sling   Tall tork at `im jist cos `e acted so. "Don`t make a song uv it!" I `ear `im growl, "I`ve done me limit, an` tossed in the tow`l." This little job, `e knoo - an` I know well -   A thousand uv `is cobbers would `ave done. Fer they are soljers; an` it`s crook to tell   A tale that marks fer praise a single one. An` that`s `ow Mick wopuold `ave it, as I kow; An`, as `e`d `ave it, so we`ll let it go. Trent tells `ow, when they found `im, near the end,   `E starts a fag an` grins orl bright an` gay. An` when they arsts fer messages to send   To friends, `is look goes dreamin` far away. "Look after Rose," `e sez, "when I move on. Look after… Rose… Mafeesh!" An` `e wus gone. "We buried `im," sez Trent, "down by the beach.   We put mimosa on the mound uv sand Above `im.  `Twus the nearest thing in reach   To golden wattle uv `is native land. But never wus the fairest wattle wreath More golden than the `eart uv `im beneath." An` so - Mafeesh! as Mick `ad learned to say.   `E`s finished; an` there`s few `as marked `im go. Only one soljer, outed in the fray,   `Oo took `is gamble, an` `oo `a `is show. There`s few to mourn `im: an` the less they leave, The less uv sorrer, fewer `earts to grieve. An` when I`m feelin` blue, an` mopin` `ere   About h epal I`ve lorst; Doreen, my wifem She come an` takes my `and, an` tells me, "Dear,   Ther`s be more cause to mourn a wasted life. `E proved `imself a man, an` `e`s at rest." An` so, I tries to think sich things is best. A gallant gentleman… Well, let it go.   They sez they`ve put them words above `is `ead, Out there where lonely graves stretch in a row;   But Mick `ell never mind it now `e`s dead. An` where `e`s gone, when they weigh praise an` blame, P`raps gentlemen an` men is much the same. They fights; an` orl the land is filled wiv cheers.   They dies; an` `ere an` there a `eart is broke. An` when I weighs it orl - the shouts, the tears -   I sees it`s well Mick wus a lonely bloke. `E found a game `e knoo, an` played it well; An` now `e`s gone.  Wot more is there to tell? A month ago, fer me the world grew grey;   A month ago the light went out fer Rose; Becos one common soljer crossed the way,   Leavin` a common message as `e goes. But ev`ry dyin` soljer`s `ope lies there: "Look after Rose. Mafeesh!" Gawd! It`s a pray`r! That`s wot it is; an` when yeh sort it out,   Shuttin` yer ears to orl the sounds o` strife - The shouts, the cheers, the curses - `oo kin doubt   The claims uv women; mother, sweet`eart, wife? An` `oos to `ear our soljers` dyin` wish? An` `oo`s to `eed? . . . "Look after Rose . . . Mafeesh!"

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