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J R R Tolkien - The Lay Of Leithian : Cantos 9, 10J R R Tolkien - The Lay Of Leithian : Cantos 9, 10
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IX. In Wizard`s Isle still lay forgot, enmeshed and tortured in that grot cold, evil, doorless, without light, and blank-eyed stared at endless night two comrades. Now alone they were. The others lived no more, but bare their broken bones would lie and tell how ten had served their master well. To Felagund then Beren said: ``Twere little loss if I were dead, and thus, perchance, from this dark hell thy life to loose. I set thee free from thine old oath, for more for me hast thou endured than e`er was earned.` `A! Beren, Beren hast not learned that promises of Morgoth`s folk are frail as breath. From this dark yoke of pain shall neither ever go, whether he learn our names or no, with Thû`s consent. Nay more, I think yet deeper of torment we should drink, knew he that son of Barahir and Felagund were captive here, and even worse if he should know the dreadful errand we did go.` A devil`s laugh they ringing heard within their pit. `True, true the word I hear you speak,` a voice then said. ``Twere little loss if he were dead, the outlaw mortal. But the king, the Elf undying, many a thing no man could suffer may endure. Perchance, when what these walls immure of dreadful anguish thy folk learn, their king to ransom they will yearn with gold and gem and high hearts cowed; or maybe Celegorm the proud will deem a rival`s prison cheap, and crown and gold himself will keep. Perchance, the errand I shall know, ere all is done, that ye did go. The wolf is hungry, the hour is nigh; no more need Beren wait to die.` The slow time passed. Then in the gloom two eyes there glowed. He saw his doom, Beren, silent, as his bonds he strained beyond his mortal might enchained. Lo! sudden there was rending sound of chains that parted and unwound, of meshes broken. Forth there leaped upon the wolvish thing that crept in shadow faithful Felagund, careless of fang or venomed wound. There in the dark they wrestled slow, remorseless, snarling, to and fro, teeth in flesh, grip on throat, fingers locked in shaggy coat, spurning Beren who there lying heard the werewolf gasping, dying. Then a voice he heard: `Farewell! On earth I need no longer dwell, friend and comrade, Beren bold. My heart is burst, my limbs are cold. Here all my power I have spent to break my bonds, and dreadful rent of poisoned teeth is in my breast. I now must go to my long rest neath Timbrenting in timeless halls where drink the Gods, where the light falls upon the shining sea.` Thus died the king, as elvish singers yet do sing. There Beren lies. His grief no tear, his despair no horror has nor fear, waiting for footsteps, a voice, for doom. Silences profounder than the tomb of long-forgotten kings, neath years and sands uncounted laid on biers and buried everlasting-deep, slow and unbroken round him creep. The silences were sudden shivered to silver fragments. Faint there quivered a voice in song that walls of rock, enchanted hill, and bar and lock, and powers of darkness pierced with light. He felt about him the soft night of many stars, and in the air were rustlings and a perfume rare; the nightingales were in the trees, slim fingers flute and viol seize beneath the moon, and one more fair than all there be or ever were upon a lonely knoll of stone in shimmering raiment danced alone. Then in his dream it seemed he sang, and loud and fierce his chanting rang, old songs of battle in the North, of breathless deeds, of marching forth to dare uncounted odds and break great powers, and towers, and strong walls shake; and over all the silver fire that once Men named the Burning Briar, the Seven Stars that Varda set about the North, were burning yet, a light in darkness, hope in woe, the emblem vast of Morgoth`s foe. `Huan, Huan! I hear a song far under welling, far but strong; a song that Beren bore aloft. I hear his voice, I have heard it oft in dream and wandering.` Whispering low thus Lúthien spake.  On the bridge of woe in mantle wrapped at dead of night she sat and sang, and to its height and to its depth the Wizard`s Isle, rock upon rock and pile on pile, trembling echoed. The werewolves howled, and Huan hidden lay and growled watchful listening in the dark, waiting for battle cruel and stark. Thû heard that voice, and sudden stood wrapped in his cloak and sable hood in his high tower. He listened long, and smiled, and knew that elvish song. `A! little Lúthien! What brought the foolish fly to web unsought? Morgoth! a great and rich reward to me thou wilt owe when to thy hoard this jewel is added.` Down he went, and forth his messengers he sent. Still Lúthien sang. A creeping shape with bloodred tongue and jaws agape stole on the bridge; but she sang on with trembling limbs and wide eyes wan. The creeping shape leaped to her side, and gasped, and sudden fell and died.     And still they came, still one by one, and each was seized, and there were none returned with padding feet to tell that a shadow lurketh fierce and fell at the bridge`s end, and that below the shuddering waters loathing flow o`er the grey corpses Huan killed.     A mightier shadow slowly filled the narrow bridge, a slavering hate, an awful werewolf fierce and great: pale Draugluin, the old grey lord of wolves and beasts of blood abhorred, that fed on flesh of Man and Elf beneath the chair of Thû himself. No more in silence did they fight. Howling and baying smote the night, till back by the chair where he had fed to die the werewolf yammering fled. `Huan is there` he gasped and died, and Thû was filled with wrath and pride. `Before the mightiest he shall fall`, before the mightiest wolf of all`, so thought he now, and thought he knew how fate long spoken should come true.     Now there came slowly forth and glared into the night a shape long-haired, dank with poison, with awful eyes wolvish, ravenous; but there lies a light therein more cruel and dread than ever wolvish eyes had fed. More huge were its limbs, its jaws more wide, its fangs more gleaming-sharp, and dyed with venom, torment, and with death. The deadly vapour of its breath swept on before it. Swooning dies the song of Luthien, and her eyes are dimmed and darkened with a fear, cold and poisonous and drear. Thus came Thû, as wolf more great than e`er was seen from Angband`s gate to the burning south, than ever lurked in mortal lands or murder worked. Sudden he sprang, and Huan leaped aside in shadow. On he swept to Lúthien lying swooning faint. To her drowning senses came the taint of his foul breathing, and she stirred; dizzily she spake a whispered word, her mantle brushed across his face. He stumbled staggering in his pace. Out leaped Huan. Back he sprang. Beneath the stars there shuddering rang the cry of hunting wolves at bay, the tongue of hounds that fearless slay. Backward and forth they leaped and ran feinting to flee, and round they span, and bit and grappled, and fell and rose.     Then suddenly Huan holds and throws his ghastly foe; his throat he rends, choking his life.  Not so it ends. From shape to shape, from wolf to worm, from monster to his own demon form, Thû changes, but that desperate grip he cannot shake, nor from it slip. No wizardry, nor spell, nor dart, nor fang, nor venom, nor devil`s art could harm that hound hart and boar had hunted once in Valinor. Nigh the foul spirit Morgoth made and bred of evil shuddering strayed from its dark house, when Lúthien rose and shivering looked upon his throes. `O demon dark, O phantom vile of foulness wrought, of lies and guile, here shalt thou die, thy spirit roam quaking back to thy master`s home his scorn and fury to endure; thee he will in the bowels immure of groaning earth, and in a hole everlastingly thy naked soul shall wail and gibber -- this shall be, unless the keys thou render me of thy black fortress, and the spell that bindeth stone to stone thou tell, and speak the words of opening.` With gasping breath and shuddering he spake, and yielded as he must, and vanquished betrayed his master`s trust. Lo! by the bridge a gleam of light, like stars descended from the night to burn and tremble here below. There wide her arms did Lúthien throw, and called aloud with voice as clear as still at whiles may mortal hear long elvish trumpets o`er the hill echo, when all the world is still.     The dawn peered over mountains wan, their grey heads silent looked thereon. The hill trembled; the citadel crumbled, and all its towers fell; the rocks yawned and the bridge broke, and Sirion spumed in sudden smoke.     Like ghosts the owls were flying seen hooting in the dawn, and bats unclean went skimming dark through the cold airs shrieking thinly to find new lairs in Deadly Nightshade`s branches dread. The wolves whimpering and yammering fled like dusky shadows. Out there creep pale forms and ragged as from sleep, crawling, and shielding blinded eyes: the captives in fear and in surprise from dolour long in clinging night beyond all hope set free to light. A vampire shape with pinions vast screeching leaped from the ground, and passed, its dark blood dripping on the trees; and Huan neath him lifeless sees a wolvish corpse -- for Thû had flown to Taur-na-Fuin, a new throne and darker stronghold there to build.     The captives came and wept and shrilled their piteous cries of thanks and praise. But Lúthien anxious-gazing stays. Beren comes not. At length she said: `Huan, Huan, among the dead must we then find whom we sought, for love of whom we toiled and fought?`     Then side by side from stone to stone o`er Sirion they climbed. Alone unmoving they him found, who mourned by Felagund, and never turned to see what feet drew halting nigh. `A! Beren, Beren!` came her cry, `almost too late have I thee found? Alas! that here upon the ground the noblest of the noble race in vain thy anguish doth embrace! Alas! in tears that we should meet who once found meeting passing sweet!` Her voice such love and longing filled he raise his eyes, his mourning stilled, and felt his heart new-turned to flame for her that through peril to him came. `O Lúthien, O Lúthien, more fair than any child of Men, O loveliest maid of Elfinesse, what might of love did thee possess to bring thee here to terror`s lair! O lissom limbs and shadowy hair, O flower-entwined brows so white, O slender hands in this new light!` She found his arms and swooned away just at the rising of the day. X. Songs have recalled the Elves have sung in old forgotten elven tongue how Lúthien and Beren strayed by the banks of Sirion. Many a glade they filled with joy, and their feet passed by lightly, and days were sweet. Though winter hunted through the wood, still flowers lingered where she stood. Tinúviel! Tinúviel! the birds are unafraid to dwell and sing beneath the peaks of snow where Beren and where Lúthien go. The isle in Sirion they left behind; but there on hill-top might one find a green grave, nd a stone set, and there there lie the white bones yet of Felagund, of Finrod`s son -- unless that land is changed and gone, or foundered in unfathomed seas, while Felagund laughs beneath the trees in Valinor, and comes no more to this grey world of tears and war. To Nargothrond no mroe he came; but thither swiftly ran the fame of their king dead, of Thû o`erthrown, of the breaking of the towers of stone. For many now came home at last, who long ago to shadow passed; and like a shadow had returned Huan the hound, and scant had earned or praise or thanks of master wroth; yet loyal he was, though he was loath. The halls of Narog clamours fill that vainly Celegorm would still. There men bewailed their fallen king, crying that a maiden dared that thing which sons of Fëanor would not do. `Let us slay these faithless lords untrue!` the fickle folk now loudly cried with Felagund who would not ride. Orodreth spake: `The kingdom now is mine alone. I will allow no spilling of kindred blood by kin. But bread nor rest shall find herein these brothers who have set at nought the house of Finrod.` They were brought. Scornful, unbowed, and unashamed stood Celegorm. In his eye there flamed a light of menace. Curufin smiled with his crafty mouth and thin. `Be gone for ever -- ere the day shall fall into the sea. Your way shall never lead you hither more, nor any son of Fëanor; nor ever after shall be bond of love twixt yours and Nargothrond.` `We will remember it,` they said, and turned upon their heels, and sped, and took their horses and suck folk as still them followed. Nought they spoke but sounded horns, and rode like fire, and went away in anger dire. Towards Doriath the wanderers now were drawing nigh. Though bare the bough, though cold the wind, and grey the grasses through which the hiss of winter passes, they sang beneath the frosty sky uplifted o`er them pale and high. They came to Mindeb`s narrow stream that from the hills doth leap and gleam by western borders where begin the spells of Melian to fence in King Thingol`s land, and stranger steps to wind bewildered in their webs. There sudden sad grew Beren`s heart: `Alas, Tinúviel, here we part and our brief song together ends, and sundered ways each lonely wends!` `Why part we here? What dost thou say, just at the dawn of brighter day?` `For safe thou`rt come to borderlands o`er which in the keeping of the hands of Melian thou wilt walk at ease and find thy home and well-loved trees.` `My heart is glad when the fair trees far off uprising grey it sees of Doriath inviolate. Yet Doriath my heart did hate, and Doriath my feet forsook, my home, my kin. I would not look on grass nor leaf there evermore without thee by me. Dark the shore of Esgalduin the deep and strong! Why there alone forsaking song by endless waters rolling past must I then hopeless sit at last, and gaze at waters pitiless in heartache and in loneliness?` `For never more to Doriath can Beren find the winding path, though Thingol willed it or allowed; for to thy father there I vowed to come not back save to fulfill the quest of the shining Silmaril, and win by valour my desire. "Not rock nor steel nor Morgoth`s fire nor all the power of Elfinesse, shall keep the gem I would possess": thus swore I once of Lúthien more fair than any child of Men. My word, alas! I must achieve, though sorrow pierce and parting grieve.` `Then Lúthien will not go home, but weeping in the woods will roam, nor peril heed, nor laughter know. And if she may not by thee go against thy will thy desperate feet she will pursue, until they meet, Beren and Lúthien, love once more on earth or on the shadowy shore.` `Nay, Lúthien, most brave of heart, thou makest it more hard to part. Thy love me drew from bondage drear, but never to that outer fear, that darkest mansion of all dread, shall thy most blissful light be led.` `Never, never!` he shuddering said. But even as in his arms she pled, a sound came like a hurrying storm. There Curufin and Celegorm in sudden tumult like the wind rode up. The hooves of horses dinned loud on the earth. In rage and haste madly northward they now raced the path twixt Doriath to find and the shadows dreadly dark entwined of Taur-na-Fuin. That was their road most swift to where their kin abode in the east, where Himling`s watchful hill o`er Aglon`s gorge hung tall and still. They saw the wanderers. With a shout straight on them swung their hurrying rout, as if neath maddened hooves to rend the lovers and their love to end. But as they came the horses swerved with nostrils wide and proud necks curved; Curufin, stooping, to saddlebow with mighty arm did Lúthien throw, and laughed. Too soon; for there a spring fiercer than tawny lion-king maddened with arrows barbéd smart, greater than any hornéd hart that hounded to a gulf leaps o`er, there Beren gave, and with a roar leaped on Curufin; round his neck his arms entwined, and all to wreck both horse and rider fell to ground; and there they fought without a sound. Dazed in the grass did Lúthien lie beneath bare branches and the sky; the Gnome felt Beren`s fingers grim close on his throat and strangle him, and out his eyes did start, and tongue gasping from his mouth there hung.       Up rode Celegorn with his spear, and bitter death was Beren near. With elvish steel he nigh was slain whom Lúthien won from hopeless chain, but baying Huan sudden sprang before his master`s face with fang white-gleaming, and with bristling hair, as if he on boar or wolf did stare.     The horse in terror leaped aside, and Celegorm in anger cried: `Curse thee, thou baseborn dog, to dare against thy master teeth to bare!` But dog nor horse nor rider bold would venture near the anger cold of mighty Huan fierce at bay. Red were his jaws. They shrank away, and fearful eyed him from afar: nor sword nor knife, nor scimitar, no dart of bow, nor cast of spear, master nor man did Huan fear. There Curufin had left his life, had Lúthien not stayed that strife. Waking she rose and softly cried standing distressed at Beren`s side: `Forbear thy anger now, my lord! nor do the work of Orcs abhorred; for foes there be of Elfinesse unnumbered, and they grow not less, while here we war by ancient curse distraught, and all the world to worse decays and crumbles. Make thy peace!` Then Beren did Curufin release; but took his horse and coat of mail, and took his knife there gleaming pale, hanging sheathless, wrought of steel. No flesh could leeches ever heal that point had pierced; for long ago the dwarves had made it, singing slow enchantments, where their hammers fell in Nogrod ringing like a bell. Iron as tender wood it cleft, and sundered mail like woollen weft. But other hands its haft now held; its master lay by mortal felled. Beren uplifting him, far him flung, and cried `Begone!`, with stinging tongue; `Begone! thou renegade and fool, and let thy lust in exile cool! Arise and go, and no more work like Morgoth`s slaves or curséd Orc; and deal, proud son of Fëanor, in deeds more proud than heretofore!` Then Beren led Lúthien away, while Huan still there stood at bay. `Farewell,` cried Celegorm the fair. `Far get you gone! And better were to die forhungered in the waste than wrath of Fëanor`s sons to taste, that yet may reach o`er dale and hill. No gem, nor maid, nor Silmaril shall ever long in thy grasp lie! We curse thee under cloud and sky, we curse thee from rising unto sleep! Farewell!` He swift from horse did leap, his brother lifted from the ground; then bow of yew with gold wire bound he strung, and shaft he shooting sent, as heedless hand in hand they went; a dwarvish dart and cruelly hooked. They never turned nor backward looked. Loud bayed Huan, and leaping caught the speeding arrow. Quick as thought another followed deadly singing; but Beren had turned, and sudden springing defended Lúthien with his breast. Deep sank the dart in flesh to rest. He fell to earth. They rode away, and laughing left him as he lay; yet spurred like wind in fear and dread of Huan`s pursuing anger red. Though Curufin with bruised mouth laughed, yet later of that dastard shaft was tale and rumour in the North, and Men remembered at the Marching Forth, and Morgoth`s will its hatred helped. Thereafter never hound was whelped would follow horn of Celegorm or Curufin. Though in strife and storm, though all their house in ruin red went down, thereafter laid his head Huan no more at that lord`s feet, but followed Lúthien, brave and fleet. of Beren, and sought to stem the tide of welling blood that flowed there fast. The raiment from his breast she cast; from shoulder plucked the arrow keen; his wound with tears she washed it clean.     Then Huan came and bore a leaf, of all the herbs of healing chief, that evergreen in woodland glade there grew with broad and hoary blade. The powers of all grasses Huan knew, who wide did forest-paths pursue. Therewith the smart he swift allayed, while Lúthien murmuring in the shade the staunching song, that Elvish wives long years had sung in those sad lives of war and weapons, wove o`er him. The shadows fell from mountains grim. Then sprang about the darkened North the Sickle of the Gods, and forth each star there stared in stony night radiant, glistering cold and white. But on the ground there is a glow, a spark of red that leaps below: under woven boughs beside a fire there crackling wood and sputtering briar there Beren lies in drowsing deep, walking and wandering in sleep. Watchful bending o`er him wakes a maiden fair; his thirst he slakes, his brow caresses, and softly croons a song more potent than in runes or leeches` lore hath since been writ. Slowly the nightly watches flit. The misty morning crawleth grey from dusk to the reluctant day. Then Beren woke and opened eyes, and rose and cried: `Neath other skies, in lands more awful and unknown, I wandered long, methought, alone to the deep shadow where the dead dwell; but ever a voice that I knew well, like bells, like viols, like harps, like birds, like music moving without words, called me, called me through the night, enchanted drew me back to light! Healed the wound, assuaged the pain! Now are we come to morn again, new journeys once more lead us on -- to perils whence may life be won, hardly for Beren; and for thee a waiting in the wood I see, beneath the trees of Doriath, while ever follow down my path the echoes of thine elvish song, where hills are haggard and roads are long.` `Nay, now no more we have for foe dark Morgoth only, but in woe, in wars and feuds of Elfinesse thy quest is bound; and death, no less, for thee and me, for Huan bold the end of weird of yore foretold, all this I bode shall follow swift, if thou go on. Thy hand shall lift and lay in Thingol`s lap the dire and flaming jewel, Fëanor`s fire, never, never! A why then go? Why turn we not from fear and woe beneath the trees to walk and roam roofless, with all the world as home, over mountains, beside the seas, in the sunlight, in the breeze?` Thus long they spoke with heavy hearts; and yet not all her elvish arts, nor lissom arms, nor shining eyes as tremulous stars in rainy skies, nor tender lips, enchanted voice, his purpose bent or swayed his choice. Never to Doriath would he fare save guarded fast to leave her there; never to Nargothrond would go with her, lest there came war and woe; and never would in the world untrod to wander suffer her, worn, unshod, roofless and restless, whom he drew with love from the hidden realms she knew. `For Morgoth`s power is now awake; already hill and dale doth shake, a maiden lost, an elven child. Now Orcs and phantoms prowl and peer from tree to tree, and fill with fear each shade and hollow. Thee they seek! At thought thereof my hope grows weak, my heart is chilled. I curse mine oath, I curse the fate that joined us both and snared thy feet in my sad doom of flight and wandering in the gloom! Now let us haste, and ere the day be fallen, take our swiftest way, till o`er the marches of thy land beneath the beech and oak we stand in Doriath, fair Doriath whither no evil finds the path, powerless to pass the listening leaves that droop upon those forest-eaves.` Then to his will she seeming bent. Swiftly to Doriath they went, and crossed its borders. There they stayed resting in deep and mossy glade; there lay they sheltered from the wind under mighty beeches silken-skinned, and sang of love that still shall be, though earth be foundered under sea, and sundered here for evermore shall meet upon the Western Shore. One morning as asleep she lay upon the moss, as though the day too bitter were for gentle flower to open in a sunless hour, Beren arose and kissed her hair, and wept, and softly left her there.     `Good Huan,` said he, `guard her well! In leafless field no asphodel, in thorny thicket never a rose forlorn, so frail and fragrant blows. Guard her from wind and frost, and hide from hands that seize and cast aside; keep her from wandering and woe, for pride and fate now make me go.` The horse he took and rode away, nor dared to turn; but all that day with heart as stone he hastened forth and took the paths toward the North.

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