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J R R Tolkien - The Lay Of LeithianJ R R Tolkien - The Lay Of Leithian
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Beren meets Lúthien `A! Lúthien, Tinúviel, why wentest thou to darkling dell with shining eyes and dancing pace, the twilight glimmering in thy face? Each day before the end of eve she sough her love, nor would him leave, until the stars were dimmed, and day came glimmering eastward silver-grey. Then trembling-veiled she would appear and dance before him, half in fear; there flitting just before his feet she gently chid with laughter sweet: `Come! dance now, Beren, dance with me! For fain thy dancing I would see. Come! thou must woo with nimbler feet, than those who walk where mountains meet the bitter skies beyond this realm of marvellous moonlit beech and elm.` Beren`s Death Towards Doriath the wanderers now were drawing nigh. Though bare was bough and winter through the grasses grey went hissing chill, and brief was day, they sang beneath the frosty sky above them lifted clear and high. They came to Mindeb swift and bright that from the northern mountain` height to Neldoreth came leaping down with noise among the boulders brown, but into sudden silence fell, passing beneath the guarding spell that Melian on the borders laid of Thingol`s land. There now they stayed; for silence sad on Beren fell. Unheeded long, at last too well he heard the warning of his heart: alas, beloved, here we part. `Alas, Tinúviel,` he said, `this road no further can we tread together, no more hand in hand can journey in the Elven-land.` `Why part we here? What dost thou say, even at dawn of brighter day?` The Duel of Fingolfin and Melkor Fingolfin like a shooting light beneath a cloud, a stab of white, sprang then aside, and Ringil drew like ice that gleameth cold and blue, his sword devised of elvish skill to pierce the flesh with deadly chill. With seven wounds it rent his foe, and seven mighty cries of woe rang in the mountains, and the earth quook, and Angband`s trembling armies shook. Thrice was Fingolfin with great blows to his knees beaten, thrice he rose still leaping up beneath the cloud aloft to hold star-shining, proud, his stricken shield, his sundered helm, that dark nor might would overwhelm till all the earth was burst and rent in pits about him. He was spent. His feet stumbled. He fell to wreck upon the ground, and on his neck a foot like rooted hills was set, and he was crushed--not conquered yet; one last despairing stroke he gave: the mighty foot pale Ringil clave about the heel, and black the blood gushed as from smoking fount in flood. Halt goes for ever from that stroke great Morgoth; but the king he broke.

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