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Victor Hugo - The Giant In GleeVictor Hugo - The Giant In Glee
Work rating: Low

Ho, warriors! I was reared in the land of the Gauls; O`er the Rhine my ancestors came bounding like balls Of the snow at the Pole, where, a babe, I was bathed Ere in bear and in walrus-skin I was enswathed. Then my father was strong, whom the years lowly bow,-- A bison could wallow in the grooves of his brow. He is weak, very old--he can scarcely uptear A young pine-tree for staff since his legs cease to bear; But here`s to replace him!--I can toy with his axe; As I sit on the hill my feet swing in the flax, And my knee caps the boulders and troubles the trees. How they shiver, yea, quake if I happen to sneeze! I was still but a springald when, cleaving the Alps, I brushed snowy periwigs off granitic scalps, And my head, o`er the pinnacles, stopped the fleet clouds, Where I captured the eagles and caged them by crowds. There were tempests! I blew them back into their source! And put out their lightnings! More than once in a course, Through the ocean I went wading after the whale, And stirred up the bottom as did never a gale. Fond of rambling, I hunted the shark `long the beach, And no osprey in ether soared out of my reach; And the bear that I pinched `twixt my finger and thumb, Like the lynx and the wolf, perished harmless and dumb. But these pleasures of childhood have lost all their zest; It is warfare and carnage that now I love best: The sounds that I wish to awaken and hear Are the cheers raised by courage, the shrieks due to fear; When the riot of flames, ruin, smoke, steel and blood, Announces an army rolls along as a flood, Which I follow, to harry the clamorous ranks, Sharp-goading the laggards and pressing the flanks, Till, a thresher `mid ripest of corn, up I stand With an oak for a flail in my unflagging hand. Rise the groans! rise the screams! on my feet fall vain tears As the roar of my laughter redoubles their fears. I am naked. At armor of steel I should joke-- True, I`m helmed--a brass pot you could draw with ten yoke. I look for no ladder to invade the king`s hall-- I stride o`er the ramparts, and down the walls fall, Till choked are the ditches with the stones, dead and quick, Whilst the flagstaff I use `midst my teeth as a pick. Oh, when cometh my turn to succumb like my prey, May brave men my body snatch away from th` array Of the crows--may they heap on the rocks till they loom Like a mountain, befitting a colossus` tomb!

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