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Victor Hugo - The First Black FlagVictor Hugo - The First Black Flag
Work rating: Low

JOB. Hast thou ne`er heard men say That, in the Black Wood, `twixt Cologne and Spire, Upon a rock flanked by the towering mountains, A castle stands, renowned among all castles? And in this fort, on piles of lava built, A burgrave dwells, among all burgraves famed? Hast heard of this wild man who laughs at laws-- Charged with a thousand crimes--for warlike deeds Renowned--and placed under the Empire`s ban By the Diet of Frankfort; by the Council Of Pisa banished from the Holy Church; Reprobate, isolated, cursed--yet still Unconquered `mid his mountains and in will; The bitter foe of the Count Palatine And Treves` proud archbishop; who has spurned For sixty years the ladder which the Empire Upreared to scale his walls? Hast heard that he Shelters the brave--the flaunting rich man strips-- Of master makes a slave? That here, above All dukes, aye, kings, eke emperors--in the eyes Of Germany to their fierce strife a prey, He rears upon his tower, in stern defiance, A signal of appeal to the crushed people, A banner vast, of Sorrow`s sable hue, Snapped by the tempest in its whirlwind wrath, So that kings quiver as the jades at whips? Hast heard, he touches now his hundredth year-- And that, defying fate, in face of heaven, On his invincible peak, no force of war Uprooting other holds--nor powerful Caesar-- Nor Rome--nor age, that bows the pride of man-- Nor aught on earth--hath vanquished, or subdued, Or bent this ancient Titan of the Rhine, The excommunicated Job?

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