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Victor Hugo - The Lover’s SacrificeVictor Hugo - The Lover’s Sacrifice
Work rating: Low

[HERNANI, Act II.]   DONNA SOL.                  Together let us fly!   HERNANI. Together? No! the hour is past for flight. Dearest, when first thy beauty smote my sight, I offered, for the love that bade me live, Wretch that I was, what misery had to give: My wood, my stream, my mountain. Bolder grown, By thy compassion to an outlaw shown, The outlaw`s meal beneath the forest shade, The outlaw`s couch far in the greenwood glade, I offered. Though to both that couch be free, I keep the scaffold block reserved for me.   DONNA SOL. And yet you promised?   HERNANI _(falls on his knee.)_  Angel! in this hour, Pursued by vengeance and oppressed by power-- Even in this hour when death prepares to close In shame and pain a destiny of woes-- Yes, I, who from the world proscribed and cast, Have nursed one dark remembrance of the past, E`en from my birth in sorrow`s garment clad, Have cause to smile and reason to be glad; For you have loved the outlaw and have shed Your whispered blessings on his forfeit head.   DONNA SOL. Let me go with you.   HERNANI.                      No! I will not rend From its fair stem the flower as I descend. Go--I have smelt its perfume. Go--resume All that this grasp has brushed away of bloom. Wed the old man,--believe that ne`er we met; I seek my shade--be happy, and forget!

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