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Victor Hugo - Beloved NameVictor Hugo - Beloved Name
Work rating: Low

The lily`s perfume pure, fame`s crown of light,   The latest murmur of departing day, Fond friendship`s plaint, that melts at piteous sight, The mystic farewell of each hour at flight,   The kiss which beauty grants with coy delay,-- The sevenfold scarf that parting storms bestow   As trophy to the proud, triumphant sun; The thrilling accent of a voice we know, The love-enthralled maiden`s secret vow,   An infant`s dream, ere life`s first sands be run,-- The chant of distant choirs, the morning`s sigh,   Which erst inspired the fabled Memnon`s frame,-- The melodies that, hummed, so trembling die,-- The sweetest gems that `mid thought`s treasures lie,   Have naught of sweetness that can match HER NAME! Low be its utterance, like a prayer divine,   Yet in each warbled song be heard the sound; Be it the light in darksome fanes to shine, The sacred word which at some hidden shrine,   The selfsame voice forever makes resound! O friends! ere yet, in living strains of flame,   My muse, bewildered in her circlings wide, With names the vaunting lips of pride proclaim, Shall dare to blend the _one_, the purer name, Which love a treasure in my breast doth hide,-- Must the wild lay my faithful harp can sing,   Be like the hymns which mortals, kneeling, hear; To solemn harmonies attuned the string, As, music show`ring from his viewless wing,   On heavenly airs some angel hovered near.

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