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Victor Hugo - Enfant, si j`étais roi, je donnerais l`empire (Were I a King, Child, My Empire I Would Give Thee)Victor Hugo - Enfant, si j`étais roi, je donnerais l`empire (Were I a King, Child, My Empire I Would Give Thee)
Work rating: Low

"C`est une âme charmante."— Diderot Enfant, si j`étais roi, je donnerais l`empire, Et mon char, et mon sceptre, et mon peuple à genoux, Et ma couronne d`or, et mes bains de porphyre, Et mes flottes, à qui la mer ne peut suffire, Pour un regard de vous! Si j`étais Dieu, la terre et l`air avec les ondes, Les anges, les démons courbés devant ma loi, Et le profond chaos aux entrailles fécondes, L`éternité, l`espace et les cieux et les mondes, Pour un baiser de toi! Were I a King, Child, My Empire I Would Give Thee Were I a crowned monarch,   I would give my diadem— My regal throne and sceptre,   Enriched with many a gem— I would give my baths of porphyry,   My ships that fill the sea; My empire, people, all, beloved!   For one sweet smile from thee! Were I enthroned in heaven,   I would give all earth, and air, And the angels, and the demons,   That bowed before me there— I would give yon skies with all their worlds,   Time, space, eternity, And the teeming depths of chaos,   For one sweet kiss from thee!

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