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Victor Hugo - After The BattleVictor Hugo - After The Battle
Work rating: Low

MY father, hero of benignant mien, On horseback visited the gory scene, After the battle as the evening fell, And took with him a trooper loved right well, Because of bravery and presence bold. The field was covered with the dead, all cold, And shades of night were deepening : came a sound, Feeble and hoarse, from something on the ground ; It was a Spaniard of the vanquished force, Who dragged himself with pain beside their course. Wounded and bleeding, livid and half dead, "Give me to drink in pity, drink!" he said. My father, touched, stretched to his follower now A flask of rum that from his saddle-bow Hung down : "The poor soul give him drink," said he But while the trooper prompt, obediently Stooped towards the other, he of Moorish race Pointed a pistol at my father`s face, And with a savage oath the trigger drew : The hat flew off, a bullet passing through. As swerved his charger in a backward stride, "Give him to drink the same," my father cried.

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