Charlotte Smith - Love And FollyCharlotte Smith - Love And Folly
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LOVE, who now deals to human hearts,
Such ill thrown, yet resistless darts,
That hapless mortals can`t withstand them,
Was once less cruel and perverse,
Nor did he then his shafts disperse,
So much at random.
It happened, that the thoughtless child
Was rambling thro` a flowery wild,
Like idle lad in school vacation;
Where sauntering now, and now at rest,
Stroll`d Folly, who to Love address`d
His conversation.
On trifles he had much to say,
Then laughing he propos`d to play,
And stake against Love`s bow his bauble;
The quiver`d gamester smil`d and won,
But testy Folly soon began
To fret and squabble.
Loud and more loud the quarrel grows;
From words the wranglers went to blows,
For Folly`s rage is prompt to rise;
Till bleeding Love a martyr stood
A stroke from Folly`s weapon rude,
Put out his eyes.
Then wild with anguish, Venus pray`d,
For vengeance on the idiot`s head,
And begg`d of cloud-compelling Jove,
His swiftest lightening, to destroy,
The mischievous malignant boy
That blinded Love.
"Folly is immortal," Jove replied,
"But, tho` your prayer must be denied,
"An endless penance is decreed him;
"For Love, tho` blind, will reign around
"The world; but still where-ever found,
"Folly shall lead him."
The script ran 0.022 seconds.