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Charlotte Smith - Sonnet LII.Charlotte Smith - Sonnet LII.
Work rating: Low

FROM THE NOVEL OF CELESTINA. THE PILGRIM. FAULTERING and sad the unhappy pilgrim roves, Who, on the eve of bleak December`s night, Divided far from all he fondly loves, Journeys alone, along the giddy height Of these steep cliffs, and as the sun`s last ray Fades in the West, sees, from the rocky verge, Dark tempests scowling o`er the shortened day, And hears, with ear appall`d, the impetuous surge Beneath him thunder!--So, with heart oppress`d, Alone, reluctant, desolate, and slow, By Friendship`s cheering radiance now unblest, Along life`s rudest path I seem to go; Nor see where yet the anxious heart may rest, That, trembling at the past--recoils from future woe.

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