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Charlotte Smith - Song ICharlotte Smith - Song I
Work rating: Low

FROM THE FRENCH OF CARDINAL BERNIS. I. FRUIT of Aurora`s tears, fair rose, On whose soft leaves fond zephyrs play, Oh! queen of flowers, thy buds disclose, And give thy fragrance to the day; Unveil thy transient charms:--ah, no! A little be thy bloom delay`d, Since the same hour that bids thee blow, Shall see thee droop thy languid head. II. But go! and on Themira`s breast Find, happy flower! thy throne and tomb; While, jealous of a fate so blest, How shall I envy thee thy doom! Should some rude hand approach thee there, Guard the sweet shrine thou wilt adorn; Ah! punish those who rashly dare, And for my rivals keep thy thorn. III. Love shall himself thy boughs compose, And bid thy wanton leaves divide; He`ll show thee how, my lovely rose, To deck her bosom, not to hide: And thou shalt tell the cruel maid How frail are youth and beauty`s charms, And teach her, ere her own shall fade, To give them to her lover`s arms.

The script ran 0.005 seconds.