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Jonathan Swift - The Sick Lion and the AssJonathan Swift - The Sick Lion and the Ass
Work rating: Medium

A lion sunk by time`s decay, Too feeble grown to hunt his prey, Observed his fatal hour draw nigh: He drooped and laid him down to die. There came by chance a savage boar, Who trembled oft to hear him roar, But when he saw him thus distressed He tore and gored his royal breast. A bull came next (ungen`rous foe), Rejoiced to find him fall`n so low, And with his horny-armed head He aimed at once to strike him dead, - He strikes, he wounds, he shocks in vain, The lion still conceals his pain. At length a base inglorious ass, Who saw so many insults pass, Came up and kicked him in the side: `Twas this that raised the lion`s pride. He roused, and thus he spoke at length, For indignation gave him strength: Thou sorry, stupid, sluggish creature, Disgrace and shame and scorn of nature! You saw how well I could dispense With blows from beasts of consequence! They dignified the wounds they gave; For none complain who feel the brave. But you, the lowest of all brutes, How ill your face with courage suits! What dullness in thy looks appears! I`d rather far (by heav`n `tis true) Expire by these than live by you: A kick from thee is double death - I curse thee with my dying breath! The Moral Rebukes are easy from our betters, From men of quality and letters; But when low dunces will affront, What man alive can stand the brunt?

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