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Rabindranath Tagore - The Portrait -- English TranslationRabindranath Tagore - The Portrait -- English Translation
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Are you a mere portrait Drawn on a canvas? Those distant galaxies Which crowd the skies And travel day and night Through darkness with their candles The planets, the sun and the stars Aren’t you real like them O you portrait Are you a mere portrait? Here everything moves In its midst Why do you stand still? Join those who travel Losing your way Why day and night Remaining among us You are so far away standing apart In a place where nothing ever moves? This dust Running everywhere with the winds In the months of summer Covers the earth in grey With its grey layers like a scarf When she is stripped of her ornaments like a widow Doing some penance But when the spring comes Ushering the hour of love It bedecks her with new sprouting leaves And that dust It is real too. This grass Trodden over by all It is restless, it is real. But you do not move, you are still, So a mere portrait you are. Along this way You once walked with us Your breast once heaved with living breath Keeping rhythms with the living Life in your limbs Danced and sang Weaving ever new rhymes of its own– It seems it is so long time ago! In my eyes, in my world You were so real! With your brush In the morning hours of my life You had colored my eyes To see and savor the beauties of this world In that dawn to me You were the embodied message of the universe. We were walking side by side But behind the pall of night Suddenly you stalled. Since then Night and day In darkness and light In a wilderness I have been moving ahead In joys and sorrows Drifting along the rising and falling tides; Silently on either side of my way Flowers are giving me company Blossoming in myriad colors; Along various channels The stream of life is rushing To its ultimate end. Urged by an unknown siren In sheer love of my way I am going far yet far Stepping aside Where you stopped There you are standing still. Behind those dusts, those grasses, Behind the sun and the moon and the stars You are a portrait, a mere portrait. But what nonsense the poet talks! You are a portrait! No, no, you are not a mere portrait at all. Who says you remain enmeshed Within the lines of that sketch Silently crying? Alas! Alas! If this river lost its waving rhythms If this cloud effaced its golden hues All the joys would then come to an end If the shadows of your lovely hair Were lost from this world The murmuring shadows of these spring flowers Swaying in restless winds Would then become a mere dream. Have I ever forgotten you? This blunder I often commit - At the very root of my life You have taken your seat When walking our way in an absent mind Don’t we fail to notice a flower or a star? Yet they sweeten our lives Our forgotten moments They fill with their songs Failure to remember you at times Cannot be my forgetfulness Remaining hidden in my being You are always quickening my blood. You are no longer before my eyes You have taken your place in them. In my world You are mingled with whatever I see Be it the greenery of this earth Or the blue of the sky. In you my existence has found its harmony. I am hardly aware Nor others know All my songs echo with your tunes; In the heart of the poet You are the poet You are not a mere portrait at all. I got you in the dawn of my life But lost you one night Now in the dark I get you unaware Never a portrait, a mere portrait, you are.

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