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George Gordon Byron - Ode (From The French)George Gordon Byron - Ode (From The French)
Work rating: Low

I. We do not curse thee, Waterloo! Though Freedom`s blood thy plain bedew; There `twas shed, but is not sunk­ Rising from each gory trunk, Like the water-spout from ocean, With a strong and growing motion­ It soars, and mingles in the air, With that of lost Labedoyère-- With that of him whose honour`d grave Contains the `bravest of the brave. A crimson cloud it spreads and glows, But shall return to whence it rose; When `tis full `twill burst asunder­ Never yet was heard such thunder As then shall shake the world with wonder Never  yet was seen such lightning As o`er heaven shall then be bright`ning! Like the Wormwood Star foretold By the sainted Seer of old, Show`ring down a fiery flood, Turning rivers into blood. II. The Chief has fallen, but not by you, Vanquishers of Waterloo! When the soldier citizen Sway`d not o`er his fellow-men-- Save in deeds that led them on Where Glory smiled on Freedom`s son­ Who, of all the despots banded,     With that youthful chief competed?     Who could boast o`er France defeated, Till lone Tyranny commanded? Till, goaded by ambition`s sting, The Hero sunk into the King? Then he fell:-- so perish all, Who would men by man enthral!                                    III. And thou, too, of the snow-white plume! Whose realm refused thee ev`n a tomb; Better hadst thou still been leading France o`er hosts of hirelings bleeding, Than sold thyself to death and shame For a meanly royal name; Such as he of Naples wears, Who thy blood-bought title bears. Little didst thou deem, when dashing       On thy war-horse through the ranks,       Like a stream which burst its banks, While helmets cleft, and sabres clashing, Shone and shiver`d fast around thee-- Of  the fate at last which found thee: Was that haughty plume laid low By a slave`s dishonest blow? Once - as the moon sways o`er the tide; It roll`d in air, the warrior`s guide; Through the smoke-created night Of the black and sulphurous fight, The soldier raised his seeking eye To catch that crest`s ascendancy,­ And, as it onward rolling rose So moved his heart upon our foes. There, where death`s brief pang was quickest, And the battle`s wreck lay thickest, Strew `d beneath the advancing banner     Of the eagles burning crest-- (There thunder-clouds to fan her,     Who could then her wing arrest--     Victory beaming from her breast?) While the broken line enlarging     Fell, or fled along the plain; There be sure was Murat charging!     There he ne`er shall charge again! IV. O`er glories gone the invaders march, Weeps Triumph o`er each levell`d arch- But let Freedom rejoice, With her heart in her voice But, her hand on her sword, Doubly shall she be adored France hath twice too well been taught The `moral lesson` dearly bought­ Her safety sits not on a throne, With Capet or Napoleon!                                But in equal rights and laws, Hearts and hands in one great cause- Freedom, such as God hath given Unto all beneath his heaven, With their breath, and from their birth, Though guilt would sweep it from the earth; With a fierce and lavish hand Scattering nations` wealth like sand; Pouring nations` blood like water, In imperial seas of slaughter! V. But the heart and the mind, And the voice of mankind, Shall arise in communion­-- And who shall resist that proud union? The time is past when swords subdued­ Man may die - the soul`s renew`d: Even in this low world of care Freedom ne`er shall want an heir; Millions breathe but to inherit Her for ever bounding spirit--                                            When once more her hosts assemble, Tyrants shall believe and tremble­ Smile they at this idle threat? Crimson tears will follow yet.

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