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George Gordon Byron - Lines On Hearing That Lady Byron Was IllGeorge Gordon Byron - Lines On Hearing That Lady Byron Was Ill
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And thou wert sad - yet I was not with thee;   And thou wert sick, and yet I was not near; Methought that joy and health alone could be   Where I was not - and pain and sorrow here! And is it thus?-it is as I foretold,   And shall be more so; for the mind recoils Upon itself, and the wreck`d heart lies cold,   While heaviness collects the shatter`d spoils. It is not in the storm nor in the strife           We feel benumb`d, and wish to be no more,   But in the after - silence on the shore. When all is lost, except a little life. I am too well avenged! - but `twas my right ;   Whate`er my sins might be, thou wert not sent To be the Nemesis who should requite -       Nor did Heaven choose so near an instrument. Mercy is for the merciful! - thou Hast been of such, `twill be accorded now. Thy nights are banish`d from the realms of sleep! -     Yes! they may flatter thee, but thou shalt feel   A hollow agony which will not heal, For thou art pillow`d on a curse too deep; Thou hast sown in my sorrow, and must reap   The bitter harvest in a woe as real! I have had many foes, but none like thee;       For `gainst the rest myself I could de­fend,  And be avenged, or turn them into friend; But thou in safe implacability Hadst nought to dread - in thy own weakness shielded, And in my love, which hath but too much yielded,   And spared, for thy sake, some I should not spare; And thus upon the world - trust in thy truth, And the wild fame of my ungovern`d youth -   On things that were not, and on things that are - Even upon such a basis hast thou built A monument, whose cement hath been guilt!   The moral Clytemnestra of thy lord,   And hew`d down, with an unsuspected sword, Fame, peace, and hope - and all the better life, Which, but for this cold treason of thy heart, Might still have risen from out the grave of strife,   And found a nobler duty than to part. But of thy virtues didst thou make a vice,   Trafficking with them in a purpose cold,       For present anger, and for future gold - And buying others` grief at any price. And thus once enter `d into crooked ways, The earthly truth, which was thy proper praise, Did not still walk beside thee - but at times,       And with a breast unknowing its own crimes, Deceit, averments incompatible, Equivocations, and the thoughts which dwell   In Janus-spirits - the significant eye Which learns to lie with silence - the pre­text Of prudence, with advantages annex`d - The acquiescence in all things which tend, No matter how, to the desired end   All found a place in thy philosophy. The means were worthy, and the end is won I would not do by thee as thou hast done! September 1816.

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