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George Gordon Byron - To EmmaGeorge Gordon Byron - To Emma
Work rating: Low

Since now the hour is come at last,   When you must quit your anxious lover; Since now our dream of bliss is past,   One pang, my girl, and all is over. Alas! that pang will be severe,   Which bids us part to meet no more; Which tears me far from one so dear,   Departing for a distant shore. Well! we have pass`d some happy hours,   And joy will mingle with our tears; When thinking on these ancient towers,   We shelter of our infant years; Where from this Gothic casement`s height,   We view`s the lake, the park, the dell, And still, though tears obstruct our sight,   We lingering look a last farewell, O`er fields through which we used to run,   And spend the hours in childish play; O`er shades where, when our race was done,   Reposing on my breast you lay; Whilst I, admiring, too remiss,   Forgot to scare the hovering flies, Yet envied every fly the kiss   It dared to give your slumbering eyes: See still the little painted bark,   In which I row`d you o`er the lake; See there, high waving o`er the park,   The elm I clamber`d for your sake. These times are past our joys are gone,   You leave me, leave this happy vale; These scenes I must retrace alone:   Without thee what will they avail? Who can conceive, who has not proved,   The anguish of a last embrace? When, torn from all you fondly loved,   You bid a long adieu to peace. This is the deepest of our woes,   For this these tears our cheeks bedew; This is of love the final close,   Oh, God! the fondest, last adieu!

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