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George Gordon Byron - To A LadyGeorge Gordon Byron - To A Lady
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O! had my Fate been join`d with thine,     As once this pledge appear`d a token, These follies had not, then, been mine,     For, then, my peace had not been broken. To thee, these early faults I owe,     To thee, the wise and old reproving: They know my sins, but do not know     `Twas thine to break the bonds of loving. For once my soul, like thine, was pure,     And all its rising fires could smother; But, now, thy vows no more endure,     Bestow`d by thee upon another. Perhaps, his peace I could destroy,     And spoil the blisses that await him; Yet let my Rival smile in joy,     For thy dear sake, I cannot hate him. Ah! since thy angel form is gone,     My heart no more can rest with any; But what it sought in thee alone,     Attempts, alas! to find in many. Then, fare thee well, deceitful Maid!     `Twere vain and fruitless to regret thee; Nor Hope, nor Memory yield their aid,     But Pride may teach me to forget thee. Yet all this giddy waste of years,     This tiresome round of palling pleasures; These varied loves, these matrons` fears,     These thoughtless strains to Passion`s measures-- If thou wert mine, had all been hush`d:--     This cheek, now pale from early riot, With Passion`s hectic ne`er had flush`d,     But bloom`d in calm domestic quiet. Yes, once the rural Scene was sweet,     For Nature seem`d to smile before thee; And once my Breast abhorr`d deceit,--     For then it beat but to adore thee. But, now, I seek for other joys--     To think, would drive my soul to madness; In thoughtless throngs, and empty noise,     I conquer half my Bosom`s sadness. Yet, even in these, a thought will steal,     In spite of every vain endeavor; And fiends might pity what I feel--     To know that thou art lost for ever.

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