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George Gordon Byron - To M--George Gordon Byron - To M--
Work rating: Low

Oh! did those eyes, instead of fire,   With bright, but mild affection shine: Though they might kindle less desire,   Love, more than mortal, would be thine. For thou art form`d so heavenly fair,   Howe`er those orbs may wildly beam, We must admire, but still despair;   That fatal glance forbids esteem .When Nature stamp`d thy beauteous birth,   So much perfection in thee shone, She fear`d that, too divine for earth,   The skies might claim thee for their own. Therefore, to guard her dearest work,   Lest angels might dispute the prize, She bade a secret lightning lurk,   Within those once celestial eyes. These might the boldest Sylph appall,   When gleaming with meridian blaze; Thy beauty must enrapture all;   But who can dare thine ardent gaze?` Tis said that Berenice`s hair,     In stars adorns the vault of heaven; But they would ne`er permit thee there,   Who wouldst so far outshine the seven. For did those eyes as planets roll,   Thy sister-lights would scarce appear: E`en suns, which systems now control,   Would twinkle dimly through their sphere.

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