Walter Scott - For A` That And A` ThatWalter Scott - For A` That And A` That
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Tho` right be aft put down by strength,
As mony a day we saw that,
The true and leilfu` cause at length
Shall bear the grie for a` that.
For a` that an a` that,
Guns, guillotines, and a` that,
The Fleur-de-lis, that lost her right,
Is queen again for a` that!
We`ll twine her in a friendly knot
With England`s rose and a` that,
The Shamrock shall not be forgot,
For Wellington made bra` that.
The Thistle, tho` her leaf be rude,
Yet faith we`ll no misca` that,
She sheltered in her solitude
The Fleur-de-lis, for a` that!
The Austrian Vine, the Prussian pine.
(For Blucher`s sake, hurra that,)
The Spanish olive too shall join,
And bloom in peace for a` that.
Stout Russia`s hemp, so surely twin`d
Around our wreath we`ll draw that,
And he that would the cord unbind,
Shall have it for his gra-vat!
Or if to chock sae puir a sot,
Your pity scorn to thraw that,
The Devil`s Elbo` be his lot,
Where he may sit and claw that.
In spite of slight, in spite of might
In spite of brags and a` that,
The lads that battled for the right,
Have won the day, and a` that!
There`s ae bit spot I had forgot,
They ca`d America that!
A coward plot her rats had got
Their father`s flag to gnaw that;
Now see it fly top-gallant high,
Atlantic winds shall blaw that,
And Yankee loun, beware your croun,
There`s kames in hand to claw that!
For on the land, or on the sea,
Where`er the breezes blaw that,
The British flag shall bear the grie,
And win the day for a` that!
The script ran 0.005 seconds.