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Walter Scott - The Lay of Poor LouiseWalter Scott - The Lay of Poor Louise
Work rating: Low

Ah, poor Louise! the livelong day She roams from cot to castle gay; And still her voice and viol say, Ah, maids, beware the woodland way,              Think on Louise. Ah, poor Louise! The sun was high, It smirch`d her cheek, it dimm`d her eye, The woodland walk was cool and nigh, Where birds with chiming streamlets vie              To cheer Louise. Ah, poor Louise! The savage bear Made ne`er that lovely grove his lair; The wolves molest not paths so fair— But better far had such been there              For poor Louise. Ah, poor Louise! In woody wold She met a huntsman fair and bold; His baldric was of silk and gold, And many a witching tale he told              To poor Louise. Ah, poor Louise! Small cause to pine Hadst thou for treasures of the mine; For peace of mind that gift divine, And spotless innocence, were thine,              Ah, poor Louise! Ah, poor Louise! Thy treasure`s reft! I know not if by force or theft, Or part by violence, part by gift; But misery is all that`s left              To poor Louise. Let poor Louise some succour have! She will not long your bounty crave, Or tire the gay with warning stave— For Heaven has grace, and earth a grave,              Poor poor Louise.

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