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Walter Scott - Lines On Captain Wogan. To An Oak TreeWalter Scott - Lines On Captain Wogan. To An Oak Tree
Work rating: Low

To an Oak Tree, In the Churchyard of —-, In the Highlands of Scotland, Said to Mark the Grave of Captain Wogan, Killed in 1649. Emblem of England`s ancient faith, Full proudly may thy branches wave, Where loyalty lies low in death, And valour fills a timeless grave. And thou, brave tenant of the tomb! Repine not if our clime deny, Above thine honoured sod to bloom, The flowerets of a milder sky. These owe their birth to genial May; Beneath a fiercer sun they pine, Before the winter storm decay— And can their worth be type of thine? No! for `mid storms of Fate opposing, Still higher swelled thy dauntless heart, And, while Despair the scene was closing, Commenced thy brief but brilliant part. Twas then thou sought`st on Albyn`s hill, (When England`s sons the strife resigned), A rugged race, resisting still, And unsubdued though unrefined. Thy death`s hour heard no kindred wail, No holy knell thy requiem rung; Thy mourners were the plaided Gael; Thy dirge the clamorous pibroch sung. Yet who, in Fortune`s summer-shine, To waste life`s longest term away, Would change that glorious dawn of thine, Though darkened ere its noontide day? Be thine the Tree whose dauntless boughs Brave summer`s drought and winter`s gloom! Rome bound with oak her patriots` brows, As Albyn shadows Wogan`s tomb.

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