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Walter Scott - To a Lock of HairWalter Scott - To a Lock of Hair
Work rating: Low

Thy hue, dear pledge, is pure and bright   As in that well-remember’d night   When first thy mystic braid was wove,   And first my Agnes whisper’d love.     Since then how often hast thou prest       The torrid zone of this wild breast,   Whose wrath and hate have sworn to dwell   With the first sin that peopled hell;   A breast whose blood’s a troubled ocean,   Each throb the earthquake’s wild commotion!           O if such clime thou canst endure   Yet keep thy hue unstain’d and pure,   What conquest o’er each erring thought   Of that fierce realm had Agnes wrought!   I had not wander’d far and wide         With such an angel for my guide;   Nor heaven nor earth could then reprove me   If she had lived and lived to love me.     Not then this world’s wild joys had been   To me one savage hunting scene,           My sole delight the headlong race   And frantic hurry of the chase;   To start, pursue, and bring to bay,   Rush in, drag down, and rend my prey,   Then—from the carcass turn away!         Mine ireful mood had sweetness tamed,   And soothed each wound which pride inflamed:—   Yes, God and man might now approve me   If thou hadst lived and lived to love me!

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