Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - The Wedding NightJohann Wolfgang von Goethe - The Wedding Night
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WITHIN the chamber, far away
From the glad feast, sits Love in dread
Lest guests disturb, in wanton play,
The silence of the bridal bed.
His torch`s pale flame serves to gild
The scene with mystic sacred glow;
The room with incense-clouds is fil`d,
That ye may perfect rapture know.
How beats thy heart, when thou dost hear
The chime that warns thy guests to fly!
How glow`st thou for those lips so dear,
That soon are mute, and nought deny!
With her into the holy place
Thou hast`nest then, to perfect all;
The fire the warder`s hands embrace,
Grows, like a night-light, dim and small.
How heaves her bosom, and how burns
Her face at every fervent kiss!
Her coldness now to trembling turns,
Thy daring now a duty is.
Love helps thee to undress her fast,
But thou art twice as fast as he;
And then he shuts both eye at last,
With sly and roguish modesty.
The script ran 0.02 seconds.