Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Three Palinodias - 03 Rain And RainbowJohann Wolfgang von Goethe - Three Palinodias - 03 Rain And Rainbow
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DURING a heavy storm it chanced
That from his room a cockney glanced
At the fierce tempest as it broke,
While to his neighbour thus he spoke:
"The thunder has our awe inspired,
Our barns by lightning have been fired,—
Our sins to punish, I suppose;
But in return, to soothe our woes,
See how the rain in torrents fell,
Making the harvest promise well!
But it`s a rainbow that I spy
Extending o`er the dark-grey sky?
With it I`m sure we may dispense,
The colour`d cheat! The vain pretence!"
Dame Iris straightway thus replied:
"Dost dare my beauty to deride?
In realms of space God station`d me
A type of better worlds to be
To eyes that from life`s sorrows rove
In cheerful hope to Heav`n above,
And, through the mists that hover here
God and his precepts blest revere.
Do thou, then, grovel like the swine,
And to the ground thy snout confine,
But suffer the enlighten`d eye
To feast upon my majesty."
The script ran 0.001 seconds.