Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Ergo Bibamus!Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Ergo Bibamus!
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FOR a praiseworthy object we`re now gather`d here,
So, brethren, sing: ERGO BIBAMUS!
Tho` talk may be hush`d, yet the glasses ring clear,
Remember then: ERGO BIBAMUS!
In truth `tis an old, `tis an excellent word,
With its sound so befitting each bosom is stirr`d,
And an echo the festal hall filling is heard,
A glorious ERGO BIBAMUS!
I saw mine own love in her beauty so rare,
And bethought me of: ERGO BIBAMUS;
So I gently approach`d, and she let me stand there,
While I help`d myself, thinking: BIBAMUS!
And when she`s appeased, and will clasp you and kiss,
Or when those embraces and kisses ye miss,
Take refuge, till sound is some worthier bliss,
In the comforting ERGO BIBAMUS!
I am call`d by my fate far away from each friend;
Ye loved ones, then: ERGO BIBAMUS!
With wallet light-laden from hence I must wend.
So double our ERGO BIBAMUS!
Whate`er to his treasures the niggard may add,
Yet regard for the joyous will ever be had,
For gladness lends over its charms to the glad,
So, brethren, sing; ERGO BIBAMUS!
And what shall we say of to-day as it flies?
I thought but of: ERGO BIBAMUS
`Tis one of those truly that seldom arise,
So again and again sing: BIBAMUS!
For joy through a wide-open portal it guides,
Bright glitter the clouds, as the curtain divides,
An a form, a divine one, to greet us in glides,
While we thunder our: ERGO BIBAMUS!
The script ran 0.001 seconds.