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Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales; THE MARCHANTES TALEGeoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales; THE MARCHANTES TALE
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Part 24         THE PROLOGUE OF THE MARCHANTES TALE         The Prologe of the Marchantes tale.             "Wepyng and waylyng, care and oother sorwe,     I knowe ynogh, on even and a morwe,"     Quod the Marchant, "and so doon othere mo     That wedded been, I trowe that it be so.     For wel I woot, it fareth so with me.         I have a wyf, the worste that may be,     For thogh the feend to hire ycoupled were,     She wolde hym overmacche, I dar wel swere.     What sholde I yow reherce in special     Hir hye malice?  She is a shrewe at al!         Ther is a long and large difference     Bitwix Grisildis grete pacience     And of my wyf the passyng crueltee.     Were I unbounden, al so moot I thee,     I wolde nevere eft comen in the snare.         We wedded men lyve in sorwe and care;     Assaye who so wole, and he shal fynde     I seye sooth, by Seint Thomas of Ynde-     As for the moore part, I seye nat alle;     God shilde, that it sholde so bifalle!         Ay, goode Sir Hoost, I have ywedded bee     Thise monthes two, and moore nat, pardee;     And yet I trowe, he that al his lyve     Wyflees hath been, though that men wolde him ryve     Unto the herte, ne koude in no manere         Tellen so muchel sorwe as I now heere     Koude tellen of my wyves cursednesse!"     Now quod our hoost, "Marchant, so God yow blesse,     Syn ye so muchel knowen of that art,     Ful hertely I pray yow telle us part."         "Gladly," quod he, "but of myn owene soore,     For soory herte I telle may namoore."         THE TALE.             (January, a rich old dotard, who has married May, in spite     of his friends` objections to the inequality of their ages, is     deceived by her and his young squire Damian, although Pluto in     pity restores his lost sight.)     Part 25         EPILOGUE

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