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Antonio Machado - To José Maria PalacioAntonio Machado - To José Maria Palacio
Work rating: Low

Palacio, good friend, is spring already dressing branches of the black poplars by the river and the roads? On the steppe by the deep Duero, spring is late, yet so lovely and soft when it comes! Do the old elms have a few new leaves? The acacias must still be bare and the sierra mountains with snow. O white and pink mass of Moncayo, there, so handsome in the Aragon sky! Are brambles in flower among the gray rocks, and white daisies in the slender grass? In those belfries the storks must be arriving. The green wheatfields and brown mules in the seeded furrows, and with april rains the farmers who plant the late lands. Now bees are sipping rosemary and thyme. Are the plums in bloom? Violets left? Furtive hunters, with partridge decoys under their long capes cannot be missing. Palacio, good friend, are nightingales already on the riverbanks? With the first lilies and first roses in the orchards, on a blue afternoon, climb to the cemetery of Espino, high Espino, where she is in her earth.

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