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Ben Jonson - PraeludiumBen Jonson - Praeludium
Work rating: Low

And must I sing?  What subject shall I choose! Or whose great name in poets` heaven use, For the more countenance to my active muse? Hercules? alas, his bones are yet sore With his old earthly labours t` exact more Of his dull godhead were sin.  I`ll implore Phoebus.  No, tend thy cart still.  Envious day Shall not give out that I have made thee stay, And foundered thy hot team, to tune my lay. Nor will I beg of thee, lord of the vine, To raise my spirits with thy conjuring wine, In the green circle of thy ivy twine. Pallas, nor thee I call on, mankind maid, That at thy birth mad`st the poor smith afraid. Who with his axe thy father`s midwife played. Go, cramp dull Mars, light Venus, when he snorts, Or with thy tribade trine invent new sports; Thou, nor thy looseness with my making sorts. Let the old boy, your son, ply his old task, Turn the stale prologue to some painted mask; His absence in my verse is all I ask. Hermes, the cheater, shall not mix with us, Though he would steal his sisters` Pegasus, And rifle him; or pawn his petasus. Nor all the ladies of the Thespian lake, Though they were crushed into one form, could make A beauty of that merit, that should take My muse up by commission; no, I bring My own true fire:  now my thought takes wing, And now an epode to deep ears I sing.

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